Chapter 3.

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Quinn's heart was pounding with every step they made closer to the school doors, she was sure she was going to faint. Looking around rapidly for a way out she couldn't  seem to find one well it was nice living while it lasted she thought to herself as quickly ended up on her ass.


She said as sat there, Anthony helped his sister up once on her feet she realized it was the same guy she ran into last time.

"I'm so sorry I- hey it's you again, we really got to stop meeting like this."

He said handing Quinn her things eyeing Anthony jealous filling his eyes.

"Yeah, maybe you should stop rushing then you're lucky my brother here hasn't whooped your ass yet."

Quinn saying brother seem to have put hope back into the strangers eyes.

"Hey man, I'm sorry I'm new and still trying learn my way around here."

He said sticking his hand out, Anthony dapped him up.

"What's up man I'm Anthony and you are-"


Quinn was staring amazed at how one person could look this fine and then the light bulb went off in her head as she remember the lie she told her brother and here this guy was new and her age.

"Shawn huh, you didn't tell me your name the first time you knocked me on my ass, what makes my brother so special?"

He chuckled.

"You wouldn't tell me your name so I wanted to keep mine a secret as well."

Quinn remembered she decided not to tell him for mysterious value, she stuck out her hand and without hesitation he grabbed it causing a wave of electricity to flow through each of them as they shook hands.

"I'm Quinn."

She said barely able to let her eyes depart from the hold his had on her, Anthony clearing his throat made the two snap back to reality.

"I got to go, see you around?"

"Yeah sure!"

Quinn chirped out as she regained her composure watching him walk down the hallway, Quinn was so lost in thought she didn't hear Anthony laughing at her lovestruck ass.

"Damn, he got you like that?"

Quinn punched her brother in the arm as she rushed away from his cackling ass and to her first class of the day.


Quinn spent her first couple of classes thinking about Shawn he was truly so fine and what was that feeling when they touched hands, she had never felt that way before she was sure he felt as well by the look on his face. The bell rung signaling for last class of the day which was Mr. Grayson's class and with that Shawn was gone from her mind as she rushed to get to his class, she turned the corner to see Mr. Grayson greeting everyone as he did everyday she was the last one in line to make it inside.

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