Chapter 42

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"Should I be concerned about how excited you are?" you ask as he pulls you outside, a cute smile plastered over his face.

"No," he chuckles, and you walk forward.

"So what is it?"

"So," he starts, "while I was away, I learned a lot of projection spells. So I can send my powers to other things."

"Okay," you nod as he takes his jacket off. He hands it to you, and you take it to pull it over your shoulders without question.

"So that means..." He pulls you into his chest, your hands resting against his shirt. You wait for a moment for something to happen, looking around aimlessly. It isn't until you look at his face that you realize his body is transparent, not entirely, but you can see through him—like he's a phantom. "You can fly with me during the day now."

"Huh?" You furrow your brows, and he grins.

"Look." He takes one of your hands and lifts it up, and just like his body, you can see through yourself. "Right now, you're invisible."

"What?" You blink and look around, making him chuckle. "I am?"

"Yup," he smiles.

"How did you learn that?"

"I've got a lot to tell you about my time away." You turn and meet his eyes, a small grin forming as you shake your head.

"Alright, shall we take off then?"

"Actually..." He snakes his hands around your waist to spin you around to the opposite side, your back now pressed to his chest. He takes one hand and crosses it over your torso, the other a little below your stomach. "I was thinking we could go like this?"

Your eyes widen slightly at the thought. "L-like, fly like this?" He nods. "But I don't have anything to hold onto."

"I've got you," he says. "I just thought this way you can see the ground while we fly." You slowly take a breath, your head turning to face forward as you try to imagine hanging face-first over the land. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I can carry you."

"Um..." You place your hands on top of Jungkook's arms that are holding you to his chest. "You sure I won't fall?" Your question comes out with a slight quiver.

"No," he laughs. "I promise."

"...Okay," you nod, still nervous. You hear his wings extend behind you, the edges of them coming into the corners of your vision.

"Tell me when you're ready," he says into your ear.

"Okay." You swallow and take another breath. "Ready."

You instantly ascend off the ground, the world around you shrinking as you take off into the sky. You've gotten pretty used to flying, whether it was Jungkook or one of the other guys, but the way he's holding you now gives you a full view, and it's just as terrifying as your first flight. You squeal slightly and cling on to his hands holding you tight, and you hear a chuckle.

Once you begin to level out, your bodies turn horizontal and you're facing down. You force your eyes open, the wind hitting against your cheeks. You take a deep breath and look around. At this angle, it feels like you're flying all on your own. You've never flown in the day, and the world below you looks beautiful, making the smile on your face grow.

The clusters of green from the trees radiate against the daylight, the patches of water sparkling in reflection as you pass by.

Feeling safer in Jungkook's hold, you let go of him and stretch your arms out to the sides with a bright grin, and you can almost feel Jungkook's smile.

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