Chapter 41

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Your eyes flutter open as the morning light shines in from the window, and you feel warm air brush past your cheek. Your mind finally starts to adjust, and you realize you're using Jungkook's arm as a pillow, and his head is resting against yours, his breath hitting your face with each rise and fall of his chest. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep, and you can't help but smile as you snuggle against him.

You lay there for a few more minutes before reaching up and gently brushing the hair out of his face. He stirs a little, and you pull away and continue to watch him. Another moment passes before his eyes slowly open and meet yours. He takes a minute as his mind starts to wake up before he reaches down and tightens his hold on you, pulling you into his chest with a suffocating hug, and you laugh.

"Good morning," you giggle against his chest.

"Morning," he says with closed eyes, his body holding you so close you can barely breathe.

"Are we just going to stay like this?" you ask, and he nods his head.

"Sounds good." The smirk on his face slowly grows, and you start to wiggle from his grip.

"Jungkook, I can't move," you laugh.

"Yeah, you're not supposed to move," he responds, the smile still on his face.

You try to squirm around to loosen his grip, but after a minute or so you just give in, and he laughs. "What? You want to get away from me?"

He finally pulls away enough for you to see his face, his eyes flashing yellow, and you can now move your arms. "Of course not," you grin and lean your face into his. "But I really want to take a shower. Someone made a bit of a mess last night."

"That's not my fault." He places a short kiss on your cheek. "You just make me feel good." You blush before shaking your head with a smirk.

"You know, I've never heard you that loud. Maybe I should go on birth control," you half-joke, and the corner of his lip tugs up, but he shakes his head before brushing your hair out of the way.

"Only if that's something you'd want to do." He places another kiss, this time on your forehead. "But let's stay safe from now on, okay?" You tilt your head, and his smile grows. "I almost didn't make it."

You giggle and lean your head against his chest before reaching up and placing a kiss on his cheek. You then pull away to sit up, and he rolls onto his stomach as he stretches out, his wings extending with a groan.

"What's wrong?" you ask with a grin.

"Just a little sore. I flew really fast last night for a long time."

You hum and move to his side. You reach out to brush a hand through the feathers, and they flick in surprise, making Jungkook's head turn to you again.

"Where are they sore?" you ask as you run your finger down the bone, and you hear his breath hitch before the smirk on his face grows.

"The muscles hear the tops... and my back."

You shift in your seat as you carefully adjust his wing and start to rub slow circles through the soft muscles hidden beneath the feathers, and his eyes flutter shut in a quiet groan.

"Here?" you ask as your thumb rolls over a knot, and he whimpers in approval.

You continue in one spot for a moment before slowly making your way closer to his back. You then move to his other wing and repeat your process, and each time you can hear his groans of enjoyment. You then reach his back and change to simply giving him a massage, but as you reach the base of his wings—where his skin meets the feathers—his whole body tenses with a moan, and you pause.

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