New Years Special!!

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Note: this is a new years special, so it's not part of the actual story and it will take place in the normal world, so let's pretend everyone met and knew each other in the real world and that no one died. reader is non-binary

Y/n's POV

it was new years eve, and i was getting ready for a new years party that my friend mira was hosting. she said everyone would be there and that i HAD to come.

I was wearing a simple (tux/dress/other) because i didn't want any attention on me. i was getting ready to leave, when my friend, Kuina called me.

Kuina: hey, can you come pick me up. 

Y/n: sure, where too?

Kuina: oh, to Mira's party. are you going?

Y/n: oh yeah, i was just getting ready to leave actually. Where are you?

Kuina: oh just at my house, i'm still getting ready

Y/n: Oh okay, here i come.

Kuina: okay, thanks! see you

Then, kuina hung up, and i got in my car, and left for her house. Kuina lives fairly close, so the drive to her house was only 20-30 minutes max. When i got there, i walked towards the door and knocked. A few seconds later, kuina's mom answered.

"oh hello, you must be one of kuina's friends" she said

"yes, i'm y/n! i'm here to pick kuina up." i replied

"oh, she talks about you all the time. she's in her room, i'll go get her for you" she said. i nodded, and began waiting for kuina. A few seconds later, kuina came down wearing a dress.

"you look beautiful" i said, she smiled and said "you don't look so bad yourself"

I smiled at that and held my arm up. "shall we go, m'lady" i said, jokingly

she went along with it, and said "we shall" before hooking her arm onto mine.

I then walked towards the car, and opened the passenger door for her, still keeping up the act.

"after you, m'lady" she laughed, before getting in and thanking me. I got into the drivers seat, and began driving towards mira's house. 

when we got there, we saw everyone. There was hatter talking with aguni, arisu talking with his friends, that's when Mira came up to us and said "i'm so glad you made it. now, everyone's here." "well thanks for inviting us" kuina answered for both of us.

me and kuina started walking towards where everyone was and me and kuina started talking to them, i however was still shocked that some people came. Like for example Ann was talking with mira, Chishiya was talking with us, niragi was talking with Takatora, and banda was talking with yaba. And believe it or not, but Kyuma was wearing clothes, i know.

It was quite quiet actually, and everyone was minding their business, while having fun. We were all waiting for 12 AM to hit, so we can say happy new year. 

i went to the bathroom, and when i came out, i was surprised to see (character's name) waiting for me. 

"hey, you okay?" they said

"yeah, why?" i replied

"you looked kinda uncomfortable earlier" they said

"oh, you noticed?" i asked, kinda surprised. i thought i hid it well

"yea, it was kinda obvious" they said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world, in which it probably was. "oh shit, i thought i hid it pretty well. i'm just kind of uncomfortable with how many people is here, y'know?" i said

"yeah, i get it, but it's almost new years, y'know" they said. 

"really? well what's your new year resolution?" i said

"i don't know. i never really thought about it" they said, looking at me. "what about yours"

"i don't know as well, i don't really have one" i said, looking as if i was thinking. 

"well, i think i know what's one of my resolutions" they said, looking towards me

"really, what?" i said, also looking at them

"this" they said, before leaning towards me and kissing me, and in the back you could hear the new year's timer go down, and everyone was cheering. They pulled away, and smiled at me, before saying "you look cute by the way" and walking away

'y/n.exe has stopped working, one moment please'

exe has stopped working, one moment please'

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'Process complete'

*WHAT THE FUCK??? my crush kissed me?!?!* i thought, shocked of what just happened

*i guess, new year's kisses are real* i thought happy with what just happened. i'm ignoring the part where we're eventually going to have to talk about it. 

that's when my friend, (f/n) came in

"hey, i saw what happened. congrats" they said, clapping. 

me, still not being able to spit out coherent words, just said "huh..."

they laughed and said, "well, i'm happy for you"

they then patted me on my head, and walked away.

*they really are growing up, i feel like a proud parent* they thought, walking away. 

*maybe, this new year's isn't so bad after all*



imma be honest, i don't like this because it's rushed and other shit, but i wanted to get something out for new years. also (character's name) means you could put any character's name, dead or alive.

Hoped you liked this, because i don't...  🫠

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