Chapter 2: Well, what now?

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Y/n's POV

"did you find anything useful?" I asked Chota

"No, everything's either gone bad or there's nothing." Chota replied

"oh. well let's just go back, and see what the others found" i said

"that is if they found anything at all..." i whispered to myself

"what'd you say?" Chota asked

"oh, nothing. Let's just go back." i said, Chota nodded.

-------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------

"Just as i thought. All the IC chips have been destroyed. Video cameras, digital clocks. anything that operates with an electronic circuit board isn't gonna work." chota said "but old stuff like this still works, since none of it has any IC chips." Chota added, picking up a radio and playing with it. "what does that mean?" arisu asked. "It might mean..." chota pauses for a second "an electromagnetic pulse attack. I read about this online. when inserted into the stratosphere, it's a weapon capable of destroying the electronics in an entire city" Chota said, "seriously?" arisu asked in disbelief

I took a deep breath, trying to take all of this "new found" information in. "so what you're saying is, anything that may require batteries to operate still work?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Chota slowly nodded. "wait, so then why does this still work?" arisu asked while holding the working phone in his hand. "no idea..." chota responded, also wondering why the phone still works. Arisu was looking at the phone that still had our visa days on it, when it suddenly turned off. "it's completely useless if we can't charge it." arisu said, thowing the phone on the table. *So now, what? i'm stuck here with no idea on how to get home* I thought.

--------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------

we were all sitting at the dinning table, eating like it's our last meal on earth, in which it very well could be. "ah, this is so good" arisu said, still eating the ramen. I was eating in my own world, thinking, when shibuki asked a question. "hey, what were you guys doing when everyone disappeared?" she asked. *oh crap, what do i say?? i need to come up with an alibi fast.* I thought to myself, slightly panicking. "bathroom. we were all in the same stall." chota said, probably not thinking to rephrase it differently. "why were you all in the same stall?" shibuki asked, looking at chota. "where were you?" Karube asked. shibuki looked perplexed, probably debating on telling the truth, but in the end, she said "i was at work."

*you lie a lot, but then again, i wouldn't want anyone knowing i was having sex with my boss either* i thought, rolling my eyes, internally. "I was in the conference room doing some paperwork, and then...everyone in the office disappeared." she said. "did you happen to see or hear anything at all?" arisu asked. shibuki thought, "not really. I came to this place 3 days ago. and i was forced to play this game, just like all of you were. everybody died, except for me." "you mean, you used them as bait, right. Karube asked, slightly belittling her. "think whatever you want" shibuki said. "guys, calm down." chota said, he then turned to me, "what were you doing, before everyone disappeared?" chota asked me. i thought for a moment, trying to "remember", when in reality, i was still trying to come up with an excuse. "i was going to get some food, when the lights suddenly turned off" i said.

"did you happen to see anything?" arisu asked me, "yeah, i saw fireworks, then a few minutes later, the lights turned off. and everybody was gone." "how long have you been here?" he asked "since yesterday" i replied. they seemed to accept that as an answer. arisu thought for a moment, before saying "weird, huh? the day everyone disappeared, was yesterday for the 4 of us, but it was 3 days ago for her. why the time difference?" arisu asked. "that's right" karube said. i added on to what arisu said "and those vegetables that were rotten..they take longer then a few days to go bad.." "what's going on?" arisu asked. karube, chota, and shibuki said something, but i wasn't paying attention, i was too busy trying to think on how this could've happened.

I'm in Alice in borderland???//various x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें