edge of light

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In a dark a desolate place at the edge of the universe stays one person.

???: *huff huff*

Slight frost covers there breath as they breath heavily.

???: finally after all this time I have become light hehe who knew it would be so beautiful

He looks up seeing the darkness of space along with countless beautiful cosmic structures like stars, plants and nebulas.

???: but getting here sure took it's time hu

Speaking to himself he looks towards a point.

???: well I'm lost now but hay maybe I can really show my world how flawed everything is and how small they all are it truly is a wonder

The person looks out losing them self to the void of space before a flash of black light almost drawing the colour from the space around them happened as the were no longer there.


Waking up in the morning always feels good ah

Y/N: hmm

You look at the musical score struggling on what to write for the song.

Y/N: *sigh* how am I supposed to write this one 

You sat down on a chair in front of it frowning constantly writing and getting rid of some of the lines. After a couple of hours there was a knock on the door but went unheard in you single focus. The knock on the door was louder this time but you still didn't notice it.

???: hey let me in!!

Again you didn't hear them.


The door to your room is harshly thrown across your room behind you smashing the window.

Y/N: come in it's open

You still have yet to take your eyes of the sheet in front of you with one or two lines written. 

The person enters the room a fierce frown on there face as they turn your chair around seeing blond hair covering Goodwitch's eyes.

Y/N: wanna feature

Goodwitch is then completely shocked before going into a completely stonewalled face. 

Goodwitch: I'm here and have been trying to get your attention for the last hour so I just resorted into entering 

Y/N: wow I could have been changing in here also are you going to fix the damages for the door and window over there also you might lose your job destruction of property is a mild crime but hey I still have last term to go with as evidence as well

Goodwitch visibly recoils as you speak back to her as no one normally do it and she knows she can't even do anything about it as it's all true so taking a deep breath the room fills with a purple glow as your door and window are repaired.

Goodwitch: alright classes have started and you were not present nor did you let anyone now prior to the classes 

Goodwitch then leaves the room causing you to sigh.

Y/N: maybe I need a break from this one 

You walk down throughout the hall listening to everyone around you hear someone humming although just listing to them your face breaks out into a smile as just by there voice there a bass singer. Quickly you follow the tone using your ability musical melody. After a bit of searching you find them.

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