𝟎𝟏 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭

Start from the beginning

"Te ves como una puta," my older brother decides to comment, as to which I just send him a glare whilst I slide into the Mercedes. "Papá would kill you if he saw you walk around like that," he gives me a side eye to which I ignore when I buckle my seatbelt. "I suggest you watch the way you speak to me, I'm in charge of you. Two words to my men and you're dead." I answer calmly but still burn my eyes into the side of his head whilst he starts the car. "Anyways, I don't need permission from anyone on what I can wear, regardless of how much cleavage I show." I spit. I hate males, even though I know he didn't have any harsh intentions, it still pissed me the fuck off. (translation - Spanish. "you look like a whore")

He laughs.
Andrés laughs.
It wasn't even funny, and he's laughing.
"Mátame entonces princesa de la mafia" his voice full of humour. I squint my eyes at him. 10:00 am wasn't the best time to be laughing right before handling business. "Conducir a un imbécil" I say, already annoyed at his somewhat childish comment. (translation - Spanish. "Kill me then mafia princess" || "Drive you imbecile")

Around 15 minutes pass and during them all I did was look out the window. I didn't want to talk, I never genuinely want to anyway. From when I was a little girl, my parents believed there was something wrong with me. I never spoke, unless I was forced or I felt the need to, all the doctors and therapists my mamá took me to all said the same exact thing, "there's nothing wrong with her, she just doesn't want to talk."  Yet my parents never stopped trying, not until I turned 9 and they finally gave up. My brother was the complete opposite of me all my life, when I was failing my classes, he was passing all of them with the highest grades, when I had basically no friends, he had a massive group surrounding him. Yet I never complained, I always believed having no friends was better, at the end of the day all they are, is a weakness. And living this life, you can't have a weakness, it can get you killed.

"We're here Anna."  Andrés suddenly says, interrupting my thoughts. I nod at him without looking in his direction and make a move to get out the car, as to which he stops me. "Adrianna, please don't kill or injure an Italian again, we'll be cut off. We can't risk that, papá wouldn't like that." He frowns down at me. He truly didn't understand my reasoning for my previous kill no matter how many times I went over it with not just him, but with the majority of my close family. "I'll tell you this once again Andrés, I didn't kill just for the fun of it, he was trying to scam us yet you was too distracted by the Italian don's daughter. If you was paying attention, you would've realised." I hated the fact that he blamed me, I was the one who had the whole family's back and yet he's still oblivious to that fact.

And with that conversation over with, I step out the car and am greeted with a slight breeze. I heard a slam of the car door, indicating that my brother had got out the car as well. My heels clack against the floor as I make my way to the building. "It really isn't you if you don't wear high heels at the most inconvenient times is it Anna?" My brother releases a sigh in which I turn around to face him and squint my eyes. "And it's never you if you don't make such stupid comments at the most inconvenient times is it Andrés?" I snap back, clearly not in the mood to allow him to continue irritating me. He rolls his green eyes and I truly hope one day they get stuck there.

We get interrupted, even though there was nothing to interrupt, by the Italians getting out of their SUVs, carrying 3 duffle bags, each one filled with the same white powder. My brother and I greet them with a simple nod of our heads, and I step forward to shake the head of what seems to be the Italian don's son. He truly was the spitting image of his mother, such a shame she's dead.

"Adrianna," his Italian accent is thick as he takes my hand in his to place his lips upon my knuckles, as to which I snatch my hand out of his grasp. "No need for touches Lorenzo, keep your hands and lips to yourself. You know how I work." I sneer, his eyes showing a hint of grimace. Good. "Tell your men to hurry up, I don't have all day." I continuously tap my foot onto the concrete beneath it, growing inpatient.

A sudden sound from around the side of the building catches my attention. I look around, everyone who was meant to be here was in their spots. My brother was talking to the Italians, and the capo's son was near the car, waiting for his men to finish up. This perked my curiosity further, making me want to investigate. In which I did.

My feet carried me round to the corner of the building, in which I was met with a tall, muscular body which had a pair of lifeless grey but also blue eyes, but every other facial feature was covered with a black balaclava. You could sense power radiating off him, and that took me by surprise, most men in this world didn't carry as much sense of superiority around with him. And just that small amount of information, more like an assumption, I gathered he was an assassin, a very powerful one at that. My hands immediately reached out to the pistol which was tucked into my band. He was an intruder, a very random one and intruders are destined to be killed.

However, he was too fast. One lift of the sniper in his hand, he managed to aim a perfect headshot at one of the Italians, this was the one time in my 17 years of living where I was genuinely shocked. It took him only the time of 10 seconds to spare me no glance, shoot, and escape.

Havoc erupted around me.
All of it.

"Qué coño Adrianna?" My brother's Spanish accent could immediately be recognised whilst he shouted. "Lo prometo no fui yo," I replied to his vulgar words with a stern voice. Andrés instantly ran to me and began blaming me yet he didn't know anything that happened, for gods sake I don't even have that good of an aim. (translation - Spanish. "What the fuck" || "I promise it wasn't me")

Who the fuck was he and what business did he have with the Italians?

first chapter is finished, and I'm honestly quite happy with it. I think it was a good start and wasn't that boring, I wanted to include as much as I could without rambling on💀

I made a TikTok, a video has already been posted and includes a minor spoiler for a scene in my book, more will be coming. User is sultrylover

next chapter will be posted before next Monday x

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