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My beloved friend, I gift to you this book over which I and my fellows have worked tirelessly. Hereafter is written the tale of Thalo—for whom I happen to know a great fondness has ever dwelt within your heart—as it was told to me by my father's father. He was in his younger days a boy beholden to the kin of Fraya the Foreknowledgeful, the soothsayer from Feolmak in the land of the Frowans. Fraya was a deep-minded woman, farsighted both forwards and back, and she was learned in every kind of wisdom, lore, and craft that could be learnt. She told to my old kinsman much of what she knew, and likewise, he told it all to me. Among her teachings were the deeds of Thalo and his lotsmen, and those of many others from that time, and also those of all their offsprings. That is how I have come to hold so thorough an understanding of all the small things which may have otherwise been forgotten. That is also how the truth of this tale—that is, the telling of both broad and narrow dealings alike—can be trusted; these are the words of Fraya, who knew many things, and of all that she has been said to have known, all is known to be true, and that is true of this tale as much as it is of all else. So it is that I hope you will find reading this work to be very gladdening, as much as I have been gladdened to set it down, knowing that I have done so for you.

These are the words of your Anneo, and between them lies his love.

Here ends my foreword.

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