Chapter 14 - Awaken

Start from the beginning

""Rimuru-sama!"" My subordinates cry in worry. Indeed, I am truly glad that you all care about me so much, but worry not, I will still win this!

Or maybe not...

I'm starting to worry here...

The battle rages on as I repeatedly deal small blows on the Orc Lord with my Veldora Killing Arts™, carefully avoiding his attacks. Despite my greatness, this battle is certainly a tough one! The enemy's power is far greater than mine, and every blow is enough to seriously hurt me! His corrosion ability is also very strong, making it hard for me to escape unscathed after each attack.

Fortunately for me, the Orc Lord possesses no skill in martial arts whatsoever! Kua-ha-ha-ha, my dear friend, training is important! He has likely spent his time acquiring strength and new abilities, while neglecting to account for the advantages that fighting arts provide. How foolish! One must never discount the utility of combat strategy, or they might suffer terrible fates worse than death!

Like being repeatedly killed by their sister...


I continue to expertly evade the Orc Lord's attacks, while quickly exploiting any openings formed by the Orc Lord's huge swings. Slowly but surely, my attacks are taking a toll on his stamina. No one, not a Hero, Demon Lord, or even a True Dragon can regenerate forever.

The Orc Lord grows visibly more distressed each second the battle continues, knowing that he is losing more and more ground. In response, his offensive grows more reckless, each strike taking out hundreds of orcs behind us. Uncaring, he continues do deliver blow after blow, each with increasing power.

But in a fight, often the combatant with more experience will triumph, even through a difference in raw strength. This was a lesson I had learned personally, many, many times. Each one of the Orc Lord's strikes now hold's ten times more power than even my strongest attack, but his form is sloppy, and it creates many openings for me to exploit.

As the Orc Lord's rage grows, he can only continue to increase the power of his attacks, instead of calming down to think of a strategy! Obviously, the great Veldora would nev-

{{Report: The individual 'Geld' will now commence evolution into a Demon Lord. The Harvest festival will now begin.}}


Don't tell me... this was his plan all along!?


Geld POV:

{{Report: The individual 'Geld' will now commence evolution into a Demon Lord. The Harvest festival will now begin.}}

I'm sorry, my brethren...

{{Upon completion, all members of his genealogy will receive their due gifts.}}

I have sacrificed you, killed you by my own hands, in order to complete my mission...

*thump* The pounding of my heart grows louder.

And that is why I cannot stop now!

My consciousness begins fading.

I will carry on the sins of my people for the future! So give me strength, my brethren!

Through my sheer willpower, my drowsiness begins receding, and my vision is now clear.

I quickly locate the slime, standing flabbergasted at my new evolution. I draw my leg back, and spring towards him at a speed faster than sound, taking out half of his body and landing 150 meters away. So this is the power of a Demon Lord...

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