With one precise movement Anna had moved her lips up to Brent's for a short kiss. Brent was momentarily shocked, but then he kissed her back as well. Everything that supposed to happen when you kiss the right person happened. The world faded away, and it was just the two of them with fireworks going off in the background.

              Reluctantly they both pulled away, ending the kiss. Their eyes were glazed over with passion and desire from the kiss. Brent rested his forehead against hers and whispered down onto her face. "That was amazing."

              A sigh escaped Anna's mouth while she tried to look up at him. "It was. Oh, Brent I don't want to be just friends with you anymore. I keep thinking about that kiss-"

              He removed his forehead from hers. "You think about it too?" He asked, interrupting Anna.

              "All night, and every time I look at you." He continued to shuffle them across the dance floor.

              "Where do we go from here?" he asked while he gazed into her eyes.

              "I don't know, but I do know that I'd like to start dating you seriously and see where all this goes."

              "I'd like that too, but you should know I don't have the best past with relationships." He told her.

              "I know you sister told me everything when we went into town, and none of it bothers me."

              How did Brent get so lucky? This woman in his arms didn't care about his past; she just wanted to be part of his present, and future.

              They became engrossed in each other while they danced to the music, and stared into each other's eyes, pondering what a future together could be like.


              After Clint learned about Brent's date with Anna, he figured that while they were in town would be the perfect time for him to tell Cassie that he was leaving. He was dreading the conversation more and more as the time approached.

              He'd decorated their tree with fairy lights, and set up a picnic. Clint wanted his last night with Cassie to be memorable, he wanted to remember this night when he would get lonely and miss her, after he'd left.

              Cassie was given specific instructions, to come to their tree at eight. Not a minute early, or late.

               Just as Cassie was instructed she showed up on time. She was dressed in a beautiful denim button-up, but the back was made of a see through material, making it easy for him to see every part of her back that wasn't covered by her bra. The top of the back of the shirt was lace and the color of it matched the see through fabric. She wore a pair of skinny jeans that molded to her every curve with her brown equestrian riding boots on the outside. She was so stunning that Clint swallowed his tongue, and had a hell of a time getting his mouth to close.

              Cassie quickly dismounted her horse, Murphy, and then tied his reins to one of the other trees nearby. Clint's gaze as Cassie walked over to him was filled with love and sadness. Cassie couldn't understand why he looked sad. If she was being perfectly honest, she suspected that he was going to propose.

              "Hey, handsome," she smiled as she walked over to him. And look handsome he did, in his warn blue jeans, and flannel western shirt. His hair was slightly untamed from his Stetson. Cassie swore she'd never loved him more than in that moment.

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