Chapter 16: A Blade, A Book, and a Giant Metal T-Rex

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"My first mission was with Angelo and Matt, they were nice!" Hero answered his question with child-like honesty.

If Jack was drinking something, he would have spat it out. Hero, Angelo, and Matt, the most overpowered team in existence according to what Alice told him. All Alice could say about Angelo and Matt is that they're easily the top strongest in the class. Molly plugged an earplug into one ear and plugged the other one into Jack's ear. Then an episode of 'How It's Created' began playing on the woman's phone.

This might actually be relaxing for Jack if it wasn't for the fact they weren't learning about buttplugs.

(Thursday, 28th of Dawnstar Moon)

By the time dawn broke, they arrived at the capital city of Deshret, and it was bustling with people preparing for the day ahead. The bakery owners got their bread ready, the farmers were getting their harvests to the grocery store, and the builders were stretching to prepare for work. Jack noticed how most of the clothes were white and didn't really cover much. The men wore white skirts and sandals, showing off their chests to the world. Meanwhile the women wore dresses that covered from their shoulders to their calves. Of course there were some people who opted to wear regular clothes, but most of the people here wore the clothes just described in a multitude of colors. Of course, most of the people in Deshret were in awe of Ebony Horse, mainly because it's a goddamn metal t-rex!

"So who's the leader of Deshret?" Molly questioned as she jumped out of the cockpit to stand on the back of Ebony Horse, then she stretched.

"A woman by the name of Nehe." Jack answered while looking at his phone, totally not looking it up on the internet. "The leader of Atitihad is a man named Tala."

"Got it, so let's get this diplomacy business underway!" Molly shouted as Jack piloted Ebony Horse towards the capitol building of Deshret. "Woah, be careful I almost fell off!"

"My bad." Jack replied as we stepped towards the capitol building. "Guys, get your badges ready so we can convince the guards we aren't fakers."

"Okay!" Hero shouted over Ebony Horse's rather loud engine.

As they walked through the city, the sun rose higher and higher and Jack noticed something in Ebony Horse was with him thanks to the sunlight. A lengthy box that was wrapped in fossil and star wrapping paper on it. How did he not notice this thing sooner? I reached to grab the box and noticed a note on it. Jack tore off the note and read it, angling it so the light would catch it.

"Hey Jack, it's your old man. I know I always missed your birthdays and was never there for you, but don't think I never loved you. I've been busy these past years, gathering all the Slayer weapons I can and giving them to you. Why am I giving you these things? There's a war coming, a war that you will have to partake in. Besides, these weapons have taken a liking to you ever since you were a baby, so I know you'll use them well. In this box, it's two of the strongest Slayer weapons, Storyteller and Nursery Rhyme. These used to belong to me and your mother respectively, but they liked you back when we had you, so I figured you would use them better than we could.'


Jack undid the wrapping paper to reveal a long, metallic box with clips holding the box shut. Jack undid the clips and looked inside the box. Jack noticed two objects inside the box, a sword and a book. The sword was a short sword, only being a meter long, if not shorter. The blade of the sword was wavy, reminding Jack of a serpent. The book on the other hand was a navy blue color, with a gold star design. The book had a sticky note on it reading 'Nursery Rhyme' and the sword had 'Storyteller' on it. Jack held the sword in one hand and examined it, this felt familiar to him.

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