He thought of joining them, but he also needed a small break, so he carefully made his way upstairs, entering one of the rooms as he sat on the bed breathing in and out to calm himself a bit... then he realized that if he had to take a break after seeing EJ having fun, then he was sure it was gonna be worse when he told him how he felt... IF he told him how he felt.

A few more minutes had passed until his thoughts were once again interrupted as he heard a knock on the door, and instead of immediately going to check who it was, he took another moment to calm himself down, before standing up and going to open the door as the person on the other side knocked once again.

But it only caused for him to get nervous again, as EJ was the one standing at the other side of the door, this time with a worried look.

EJ: hey, you ok? *stays in place*

Ricky: U-um... y-yeah, I'm ok, just thought I'd *sighs* take a little break, since I've been here for a bit more than you.

EJ: *nods* well, I just wanted to make sure you were ok and didn't have to leave early... *scratches the back of his neck* I'll- *clears throat* I'll see you back down there?

He didn't intend for it to come out as a question, but the way he said it in the end just proved that he was also a little bit nervous... not that Ricky would notice, as he was still more nervous just for being alone with EJ.

Nevertheless, Ricky nodded to assure EJ that he'll go back down, to which he got a nod from the boy he likes before starting to walk away... but then Ricky thought he should take advantage of this since everyone else was downstairs at the party.

Ricky: EJ wait! *EJ stops and turns to look at him* could you- could you come in here for a moment, please?

EJ looked a bit confused but did what Ricky just asked, taking a seat on the bed as Ricky closed the door, before looking back at EJ. He didn't think this would be how he would tell EJ that he liked him, but it was now or never.

Ricky: th-there's something I need to t-tell you, and it's very important.

EJ: *worried look* sure, what is Ricky?

Ricky: I... well I... well first don't speak until I tell you, alright?

EJ nodded as he kept staring at Ricky with a worried look since he wasn't sure if it was gonna be something bad or not.

Ricky: I... I-I... *mumbles*

EJ: excuse me? *confused*

Ricky: *takes a deep breath* I said... I really like you... like a lot... *blushes a little bit*

EJ's eyes were now wide open as he didn't think that would be the thing Ricky would tell him, so it's safe to say it caught him off-guard and left him shocked.

Ricky: I realized I started to like you at some point during rehearsals, but only came to terms with it after opening night. I wanted to tell you sooner but I got scared of what you would say, so I waited until I felt it was the right time, and here we are, with me telling you all of this, while you look shocked, which I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but it definitely means something. So I'm just gonna walk away now before you say anything, because I'm not sure if I'm ready to deal with you rejecting me *quickly walks out of the room*

EJ: *snaps out of it* wait Ricky *stands up* Ricky!

But it was too late, as Ricky had already went downstairs and didn't stop until he got to the kitchen to grab another drink, to try and calm himself down a bit. Soon enough he could hear someone walking towards him, and soon had Nini and Gina standing right in front of him.

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