11. 𝕿𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊.

Start from the beginning

" Your brothers will be there to pick you up in the afternoon after the rest of the rituals and you will live with us for two days before you go back to the Palace." She told me the brightest news of the day.

" I love you so much!" I replied.

" Okay now, get some rest beta. I love you." She spoke.

" I love you guys too. See ya tomorrow. Bye!" I said, getting up with a smile on my face.

I then decided to go and open my bags to change when Ranaji walked inside again, this time, in his plain white kurta. That was not a balcony?

I looked at him skeptically as he made his way towards me. What was he planning? What was his agenda?

" If you move back anymore, you will hurt yourself by the table." His voice brought me back from my thoughts and my eyes moved back.

" If you come any closer, I will hurt you." I promised to him before stopping my steps.

All he did was just raise an eyebrow but didn't halt his steps.

" I am serious Ranaji. You have married me, yes but if you think that you won even for a minute, you're in for a rude awakening because I, most certainly have planned to make your life a series of unfortunate events starting now." I stood my ground, declaring my intentions.

He didn't stop until he was standing three steps away from me and I folded my arms in front of me in an attempt to look a bit taller, but to no avail.

" I'd like you see you try little flower. This was never about winning for me, anyway." He spoke up before picking the glass of water from the table and I rolled my eyes at him.

" You're sleeping on the couch and if I as such as feel that you are thinking to take the bed away from me, you'll find out soon enough what kind of a scene I can make in front of your entire family, Ranaji." I gave him an extra sugary smile as I went towards my suitcase to put it on the table to take my clothes out.

" Allow me." He beat me to it and picked the bag, placing it on the table. I thought of saying a thank you but it would only undermine the threat that I had just made hence, decided against it.

I opened the bag only to find all my night suits replaced with satin ones. WHAT THE HELL?

" You have got to be kidding me." I exasperated, sitting on the chair in front of the table and picked my phone again to dial Hansika bhabhi who did not take the call. Of course!!

I was just going for my another bag and once again, my so called husband helped again.

" Ranaji, umm....how should I put this nicely? Oh yeahh....You are the King, not the help. I can do my stuff on my own. Thank you so much. Now why don't you go and sit down there quietly while I sort my things out?" I asked, pointing towards the couch where he was supposed to sleep, treating him like a puppy to offend him but the smile on his face told me that I was amusing him more than irritating him. He did keep that bag where I wanted to before making his way to the couch and lying down on his elbow and I felt his eyes on me again, which I decided to ignore as I searched the bag.

There was nothing I could sleep in here too. I wanted to scream in frustration and pull my hair out of the damn beautiful bun but I decided against on behaving like a moron and decided to look into the last bag waiting to be picked.

As I picked it up, all the things from inside dropped on the floor including my books and laptop.

" Shit shit shit shit shit." I threw the empty bag and started to assess the damage done on everything. The laptop was thankfully fine but my books were crumpled.

" I told mumma not to put the books in this bag! See what happened now. Why does no one ever listen to me!?" Yeah, I had officially lost my mind.

The Great Gatsby, Emma, To Kill a Mockingbird, Frankenstein, Pride and Prejudice and Little Women were all folded and I felt like crying.

"Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change." The first line that I read after I opened a random page of Frankenstein. Hmm......it was as if universe was trying to mock me at this point of time.

" Yeah keep looking at me like that, it is not creepy at all." I finally have had enough of humans for the day and snapped at the man who was looking at me.

" You could have just let me help you. I would have gladly told you that the suitcase was open." He replied before throwing his head back to lie down properly.

" You knew that this was open?" I stood back on my feet, glaring at him while he just hummed in response.

" Screw you." I announced and walked inside the washroom with one old night suit that I had found in my bag and then walked out soon enough after realising that I had to open the hair bun first which had about 30000 pins in my hair as I started to pull them out, sitting in front of the vanity mirror.

" Ow ow ow ow." I had somehow entangled one of the pins in my hair really bad and was struggling to take it out. I must have pulled it even more because the pain was real bad when I found another helping hand looming over. I looked into the mirror to confirm my suspicion.

" I don't need your help Ranaji. I am perfectly capable of managing it on my own. Thank you." I tried to stand up but he slightly put his hands on my shoulder, not letting me stand up and withdrew his hands just as soon.

" You are making it worse." He said, looking at me though the mirror and then focusing back on my hair. I know that I should have been angry at him for touching me but for some twisted reason, it felt like a jolt of electricity running through me rather than anger but I wouldn't be me if I don't make a sarcastic remark.

" It's good that you are already practicing your life mantra starting today because I will make it worse for you." I gave him the ugliest smile possible but he didn't snide any remark, just ran his hands through my hair so gently that for a moment, I felt like leaning back and closing my eyes for a bit and to my utter embarrassment, I think I did do that.

" You're all done little one." His voice was what brought me back to reality and I opened my eyes, widening them. Was he done so soon or had I dozed off?

" Thank you but don't even think for a moment that I will not try and make your life a living hell now that you have helped me ten times since I have been here." I stood, turning around to face him.

" I wouldn't want anything easier either, little flower. " He replied as the curve of his lips were uplifted as he stepped back, allowing me to walk towards the washroom, which I did.

" Also, my name is Siya if you don't know." I turned around to tell him.

" You think I don't know your name little flower?" He smirked and I just couldn't belief the man standing in front of me! He knows how much the damn name annoys me and yet he refuses to take my name.....damn him! So I bang the washroom's door hard and pretty sure, i heard him laugh a little.

" What does this man want me to do? First, he married me, now he wants me to annoy him and when I try to do that, he is smiling more than frowning? What am I doing wrong? What is happening here?" I started to talk to myself while I stripped out of the saree and washed my face to get rid of the make up before putting on my night suit.

As I walked out again, I found him asleep on the couch just like I had asked him to. There was no way in hell or heaven that I was sharing a bed with him! Luckily, he obliged as I climbed into the bed and switched the lamps off, leaving the curtains open for a bit of light in room and closed my eyes.

Hey guys! This is the next chapter. I hope you all like it. To unlock the next one, at least 160 comments are required on this one.

I love you all. Until next time. Byee!!

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖘𝖔𝖓 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖓.Where stories live. Discover now