Every Sabrina Needs A Salem

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I hope you find a way to be yourself someday,
in weakness or in strength.
Change can be amazing.
So I pray for the best,
I pray for the best for you.

-The Neighbourhood, Honest

Chapter Eleven

Kaelani Bear Eden

Take a deep breath.

Don't lose control.

Don't lose control.

Opening my eyes I glared at the single candle.

"Ignis .... Ignis.." Throwing my hands up, I stood up from my criss cross position on my bedroom floor.

"This is bullshit!" Kicking the candle I threw myself on my bed. Breathing in the morning air from my open balcony.

"Kaelani!" Groaning I covered my head with my pillow. "Were you practicing?" Juniper shouted knocking on my locked door.

"Yes." I mumbled frowning at my attempts to light a candle. Which if my new memories were correct I learned when I turned thirteen.

It was the beginners magic and I couldn't even do that.

"Open the damn door, NOW!" Rolling my eyes I slowly rolled out of bed.

Opening the door I raised a brow at my red faced sister.

"You lit my makeup on fire! My entire makeup collection is burned! Burned Kaelani! I told you not to practice without one of us there with you! Why don't you listen!" By the time she finished her face had turned an unnatural purple, with her forehead vein popping out in anger.

Looking down at her hands I scrunched my nose smelling the burned plastic that had different marks of her now burned make up.

"I'm sorry ..."

"Sorry!" She snorted. "You're sorry! This isn't a game! This," she growled grabbing my hand. "Can be dangerous! You can do one wrong thing and you'll turn dark Kaelani!"

Dropping my hand she breathed in before looking at my clothes.

Pulling on my long unicorn shirt, that I wore as a pajama dress, I frowned at her.

"You need to go to school. Before I kill you. Get dressed. Now." She demanded before pushing me back into my room and slamming my door shut.

My heart began to thump uncomfortably at the thought of going back to school. I had successfully used the guilt card to stay away from school for a week.

I wasn't ready to face everybody. I knew that they had heard what I was. From the calls and text messages, I knew they had plenty of questions.

But I also knew that they were something unnatural. Just like me.

But they wouldn't tell me.

My sisters say it's up to them to say anything.

Missy, is loyal to Mr. Lupo and his family.

Theo hasn't tried to speak to me, which frankly hurt like a bitch.

He was my best friend. And I hadn't realized how much I relied on him to feel better. To fill the void Kai had left.

And Tobias.

He stopped by every night. Spoke to Juniper, who was less than enthusiastic to speak to him.

And then he would walk around the back of our house, and sit outside, next to my balcony.

It became a routine. Ten o'clock on the dot I would sit against the railing of my balcony and allow myself one minute to feel the stinging of the bees in my stomach, the drop of my heartbeat having him so near.

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