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You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Chapter Ten

Kaelani Bear Eden

My fingertips ached as I pressed them harder against each other. Trying to calm the shaking that had directed its way to my hands.

My eyes roamed around the small bleak room. It smelled like Bleach. The walls were bare, save for the one or two pictures of a smiling family.

Wincing, I glanced down at my fingertips. Frowning at my broken nail, that had dug into the skin on my finger.

"Kaelani, sweetie you should head home." Looking up I caught her gaze. Her tired blue eyes softened as she took in my form huddled into the stiff and uncomfortable chair.

"I-I have to ..." my chin quivered as I tried to speak. Shaking my head I wrapped my arms around my body. Curling my body until my forehead laid on my thighs.

I wanted to be small. I wanted to disappear. To fade away into nothingness. Fade away to a world where my father was still alive and my mother wasn't fighting for her life.

Where my brother hadn't disappeared. Where I wasn't completely and utterly alone.

"Oh honey." I could feel her warmth as she sat next to me. Her palm rubbing soothing circles on my back. "I've contacted Juniper."

And with that a sob broke through my clenched lips. Feeling the weight of dealing with so much loss by myself was lightened.

"Missy my daddy... Oh God..." Uncurling myself I threw myself on her, wrapping my shaking arms around her slim waist.

"I know baby .. I know." Her voice shook, but she hummed to me as we waited. Just as my mother had so many times before.


Moaning in pain I clutched onto my head feeling the familiar thud of a headache on its way.

"Leave her Tobias. It's normal." A familiar voice demanded.

"She's crying." Another voice growled out. My body relaxed hearing him. Letting out a small sigh I tried to open my eyes.

"You two ... Tobias ... it's unheard of ... the council."

And then everything went dark.


"Kai, stop! Please!" My chest burned, my legs shook under me as I pushed them through the rough floors of the woods.

My eyes stung with the bitter winter nights air, stinging my tear stained cheeks.

"Fuck, get the hell away from me Kaelani!" Kai shouted suddenly turning around making me trip in surprise and fall onto the ground. Wincing I looked up at my twin brother.

His emerald eyes were dark, an unnatural green. His black hair was grown out, as well as a bit of his facial hair. His baby face was long gone, as well as his awkward slim body.


"Please what!" He hissed clenching his fist as he paced in front of me.

"I miss you Kai." I whimpered rubbing my dirty fingertips. "No you don't." He laughed humorlessly.

Frowning at him I shakily stood to my feet.

"We have been trying to find you Kai! I haven't been able to eat or sleep. All I do is that stupid stupid stupid locating spell that doesn't work! It never works!" I growled out pulling on the root of my hair. "And I feel like I can't be me without you Kai! You're my half, my rock and I need you!" I cried my chest heaving with every breath I took.

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