The Council

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Chapter Two

Tobias Asariel Lupo

West is clean, as well as North. Anything else you want us to do before school?

My soon to be Second, or Beta, asked through our link.

No. Go ahead. Pick Willow and Orion up. They should be by the shore.

Will do. Good luck at the meeting Tobias.

My Third, Theo added.

And with that our connection was cut off.

Groaning at the thought of sitting through a conversation - or more like argument, with three different species sent a chill down my spine.

I didn't understand how after years the council hadn't killed each other, severing the treaty we had in this town.

My body began to heat as the transformation back to my human body began. Seconds later I was standing in the nude at six feet five inches.

Shaking out the dirt that had managed to stick to my hair, I took the hidden clothes from the bushes and began to dress.

Quickly running to the house as I glanced at the time on my watch.

Fuck. I was going to be so late!

"Dad!?" I shouted slamming the door shut behind me as I ran up the stairs taking two at a time.

"Tobias! You stink!" Mother shouted squeezing her nose shut with her thumb and pointer finger.

"Hello mama, good morning to you too." I smirked kissing her cheek. Squealing she slapped my arm with her purse.

"You nasty little boy. Go shower! Before your papa sees you. He will have your head Tobias!" She scorned ushering me towards my room.

"I'm going mama!" I chuckled at the five foot and a couple inches woman trying to push me.

Striping off my clothes I threw them in the hamper filled with dirty clothes from past patrols.

I would have to have Melinda come take those to the laundry, they were beginning to suffocate my room with the smell of sweat and dirt.

"Tobias Asariel Lupo!" Wincing at my fathers angry voice booming throughout our home I shot back into action.

Taking a quick shower, making sure to take most of the dirt out of my hair, I dressed in black jeans, grey v neck, black zip up jacket and black shoes.

Rubbing my hair with the towel as I ran down the stairs.

"Tobias this is your first meeting and we are going to be late because of you!" He growled his eyes darkening in anger.

"I was on patrol father." I shrugged smiling towards mama as she shook her head at me.

"You have to take this seriously Tobias. You will be crowned Alpha King in two short years. This is not a game or joke. You will have lives depending on you." She frowned before leading us out the door.

Biting back my retort I gave my father a nod as I followed behind him.

Twenty long minutes later we made it to the pack house where the meeting was going to be held.

As soon as we stepped out of the car the stench of them hit me.

Looking around the field I could see the other wolves looking at the house in disgust.

"Just try not to take deep breaths sweetheart." Mama sighed rubbing my shoulder before taking dads hand in hers.

"Ready?" Dad asked turning to look at me. His eyes taking in every inch of my expression.

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