the fans (pt 5)

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In which someone else grows a fanfiction addiction (I swear this is the last part and at this pont i should just turn this into a book) 

Third Person Pov 

Jay looked up at david then back at his phone before turning it off and forcing a grin. "You didn't" David says not being able to stop himself from laughing especially since jay was judging not to long ago. "Shut up i read one book" Jay says even though that was a lie he had actually read 10. 

"Uh huh well i just came to thank you your advice worked. Me and darrian are on really good terms" David says. "Your welcome" jay says before going back on his phone and going back to reading fanfiction. David could already tell that jay was addicted but thought it was like a phase and would go away. 

Then when he came back the next day he saw jay on the bed with bloodshot eyes and two cups of coffee next to his bed. "Bro seriously?" David asks and jay rolls his eyes. "Shut up darrian it's only one book" jay says scrolling to the next chapter. "It's david see you need some rest " David says. 

"I got plenty of sleep" Jay says and david rolls his eyes. "What kind of fanfics are you reading anyway?" david asks. "That's not important" Jay says and david raises an eyebrow. "If it's not important you wouldn't be up all night reading it" David says. "But i won't up all night" Jay says. 

"Oh really? You got the two cups of coffee and your eyes are bloodshot plus you were in the same spot your in now when i came to see you yesterday" David says. "Stop overreacting i could stop at anytime unlike you" Jay says, "Ight then prove it" David says and jay turns the phone off and smiles. 

"See i turned it off" Jay says before running past david and locking himself in the bathroom. "Oh my god" David says before banging on the door. "Jay open up" David says. "Naw i'm good" Jay says and david sighs before picking up his phone and calling darrian. In no time darrian had showed up. 

Darrian walked in with chris and david smiled. Darrian walked over wrapping his arms around david tightly and david quickly returned it causing chris to raise an eyebrow at the exchange they seemed a little to into it. "So what's the problem?" Chris asks and they pulled away from each other. 

"It's jay he won't come out" David says and chris walks over to the door and knocks on it gently. "Jay come on open the door" Chris says speaking softly. "Chris?" Jay asks and chris nods as if he can see him. "Yeah it's me come on out please" Chris says and jay sighs before getting up and opening the door. 

"Wow that was easy" David says and then chris helped him get over his fanfiction obsession they don't know how he did it since he suggested they leave but all that mattered was that everyone was over their fanfiction addiction. 

Well here's the final part and honestly i would turn this into a book but with the amount of books i'm writing and the amount of requests i have no room for another so if anybody's interested your more than welcome to take the plot but be sure to give me credit and let me know so i can read it  

Sike i lied i'm making a book it would be a crime not to 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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