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In which darrian is mean towards david in order to hide his crush 

Third Person Pov 

I'm sure everyone has caught on to the old cliche of when a person likes someone but their to chicken to say how they really feel or don't know how to handle those feelings they take it out on the person by being mean to them. 

This was the case when it came to david and darrian and it had been happening for years. Darrian always picked on david any chance he got which was something he had picked up from chris who was always fighting with jay. 

The two had been at each other's throats since they met but anyone with eyes could tell chris was crushing on jay and hard. Darrian did a very good job on hiding his crush on david not wanting anyone to know. "Bro he stay messing with me" David complains to jay who was doing something on the computer. 

"Maybe he likes you" Jay says and david scoffs. "Are you serious?" David asks and jay lets out a chuckle. "Come on he's always picking on you in particular and he's always the first one to notice anything new going on with you" Jay says and david sighs. "Yeah he notices so he can pick on me" David says. 

"Denial" Jay says. "What about you and chris?"David asks and jay rolls his eyes. "Trust me chris and me are enemies no if ands or buts about it" Jay says making david roll his eyes knowing jay was deeper in denial then he was. David couldn't lie he did find the other male attractive it was just his attitude. 

He hated how mean darrian acted towards him and for no reason at all. Later that day darrian and david had gotten into an argument which resulted in david grabbing darrian's shirt before slamming him into a wall. "I'm sick of yo attitude" David says and darrian's face began to heat up. 

Darrian bit his lip as his heart began to race. "Then do something bout it" Darrian says and david chuckles. "What do you think i'm doing now?" David asks before letting darrian go. "Don't do that again" Darrian says and david smirks. "You didn't fight it" David says and darrian looks down. 

"Whatever" Darrian says. Safe to say that since that day darrian wasn't being mean anymore. 

Thsi chapter sucked but i owe ya'll an update 

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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