Once i got home i ran upstairs to find Rashun, i walked into my bedroom to see Rashun with his head down

I ran over to him a bit concerned "Shun what's wrong?" he slowly lifted his head up, his eyes were bloodshot red

"Baby why are you crying?" i asked as i rubbed his face "I don't know how to tell you this Doe" he sniffed

"Baby if you're crying it has to be something really important, now what's going on ?" i brought him into my arms as he cried

"So we went to look for Ruth like another normal day" as he spoke about Ruth my heart had began to pump faster

"Well we found her" he spoke slowly "Okay so why are you crying shun?" i looked at him with a smile "We didn't find her the way we wanted to, she's dead Dorinda"

"No no" I shook my head and walked out the room , i felt my body about to drop "No" i continued to repeat

I dropped to the ground and cried on the wall "No!" i yelled Rashun ran over and hugged me tightly "Baby i'm sorry, i'm so sorry"

I cried into his arms "I didn't want no man taking advantage of her ! NO!" i yelled

We heard the door open, J drew & Kierra ran up the stairs

"Auntie we hom... auntie what's wrong?" Kierra said as she sat next to me "Your auntie just got some bad news" Rashun said to them

I continued to cry , i didn't like crying infront of the kids but i couldn't stop .. my worst fear was losing one of theses girls due to men over-using their power, being Over-throned

J drew and Kierra held me and i cried into their arms , "Auntie don't cry it's okay, God got you" Kierra moved my hair out of my face

I didn't believe god had me , because he continued to let bad things happen to me when all i did was pray & pray everyday

J drew and Rashun gently helped me get up and sat me in the chair "No i wanna lay in the bed" i said

"Baby no , once you get in that bed you're never gonna get out . i understand this death is very hard for both you and me but we can't stay in bed depressed" he spoke

I folded my arms with a pouty face "Doe what i say" i took a big gulp hearing him, i knew he was serious by his tone "excuse me then" i said to myself

"Now, we have to tell the others so i'll be back please watch over y'all auntie" he said to the kids , he hugged me tightly and kissed my lips for a while

"Ew" J drew said and Kierra laughed , Rashun chased after them and closed the door

My phone ranged and i grabbed my purse "Hello?" i said with sniffs "Doe what's wrong? did the kids do something?" Karen said

"Of course not , Karen they are good they just came home" i said wiping my face "Thank god, i thought they were stressing you out.. so why are you crying?"Karen asked

"One of my close friends died, i knew her when i first came into the prostitution industry" i sigh

"I'm so sorry Doe, i'm right around the corner i'm coming over" Karen spoke, i softly laughed "You are such a mom " i said and she giggled

"I miss my babies so much Doe, i appreciate you letting them stay over there while i have to deal with Drew" Karen spoke

"I know Karen , and of course they can stay how long they want i told you this girl" I replied "Okay i'm coming in " Karen hung up the phone

I got myself together, my mascara was smushed all over my face "Everything gone be alright" i said i heard the kids run downstairs

"Mommy !" they both said, i laughed as they hugged their mom so tightly almost making her fall "J drew what i tell you about going all under my arms boy you too old " Karen giggled

"I'll talk to y'all in a bit, let me talk to Auntie" they shook their heads and went into their rooms "Aw my sister looks so tired"she hugged me tightly as i held back tears

"Dorinda don't you cry , you been crying a lot i can tell" she grabbed my hand leading me into the kitchen "Girl you better have some tea in here" she said

"I do , in that cabinet right there" i spoke in a raspy voice "Now, what's going on ? how was the therapy session ? mama wants me and Twinkie to come in but i don't know Doe i might pop Denise in her mouth" Karen said

I shook my head "No popping nobody in the mouth Karen, i tried my best not to hit both of them. Jacky was acting so weird. Denise was trying to tell us something and Jacky wouldn't let her" I said

"Dorinda, how do you know Damon killed daddy?" Karen pulled out some tea cups from the cabinet.

"I always knew, the night before church Daddy & Damon got into a fight because Daddy knew Damon was touching me .. Damon didn't like confrontation so he killed Daddy at church that morning, Damon Jacky & Denise were no where to be found so it's obvious" I explained

Karen shook her head "Yeah, they even arrived to the hospital so late, Daddy was already pronounced Dead "

"Taking him to that hospital was so horrible, i knew he was gone when Deacon Charles said it" I said

Karen handed me a cup of tea and i noticed her arm, i quickly sat the cup down and grabbed Karen's arm. she tried to yank it back but couldn't.

"Karen" i looked at her and she hid her face "Don't play with me!" i slightly yelled "W-What? Dorinda i'm not getting abused , i just burned myself by cooking" she said with a fake laugh

I could tell she was trying to brush it off by lying "Karen, i have been abused too many times to believe that lie, did Drew put his hands on you? i just bought a new gun with a scope" I said pointing at the back room

"Dorinda no, he just grabbed me too hard on mistake at church last week no biggie" she covered her arm with her shirt sleeve

Hey guys ! how we feel about this chapter ?

Do y'all think Drew is putting his hands on Karen?

I love Rashun & Doe 🥹..

Do y'all think Damon killed Elbert ?

What could be this hold Jacky has on Denise?

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