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when amelia woke up, she was laid on the floor of a speedboat with a blanket over her.

she sat up only to see natalie's back as she steered.

"w-what are you doing?" amelia asked as everything was a blur.

"we're going to see ol' mr dobrik and see if he'll cut me a deal if i bring him to you." natalie smiled.

"you are insane!"

"you know, you're not the first person to tel me that."

amelia's body felt drunk but her mind was clear.

she could barely stand as she held on to the railings as tightly as she could.

"he's not gonna pay you. if there's anything i know about him is he's a cheap self absorbed man."

"well then i suppose i'll just kill him myself." natalie sighed, "this would have been so much easier if ilya hadn't of knocked you up."

"natalie, you don't have to do this."

"oh but i do."

there's no getting out of this one...

when they arrived at the dock, natalie tied amelia's hands together behind her back before helping her out the boat.

"natalie- i'm really not feeling the best."

"if this is some excuse your using to try and get me to untie you it's not gonna-"

"no, i really feel like i'm about to pass out."

"like i'm going to believe that."

amelia really was telling the truth.

her knees went wobbly as they tried their best to keep her up and her body shook before darkness and a numb feeling crept over her body.


"amelia?" ilya called as he walked downstairs, but there was no response.



ilya stomped upstairs where alex sat at the steering wheel of the boat.

"you good man?" alex asked.

"how far are we from town?"

"about six miles. why?"

"that bitch took amelia."

"fuck. i should've thrown her overboard when i had the chance."

"put this thing on top speed. we've got to find them before we're too late."

"i'm killing natalie as soon as we find them." alex added.

"if you don't, i am." ilya replied, "i'm gonna text her friends off of her phone and ask them to keep an eye out."

"good idea."

hey guys. this is ilya. amelia has been
taken by a girl dressed in all black with
long dark hair.

she's taking her to david. i'm on my way
but was hoping in the mean time you guys
could keep an look out for her?

also do either of you know how to use a gun?

and why would we trust you?

amelia is this you pranking us?

this definitely isn't a prank.

over my dead body - ilya fedorovichWhere stories live. Discover now