Chapter 16 A Twist Of Faith

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When the couple walks into the house, they were greeted with the sight of Bailey, Olivia, Nick, and June asleep in the living room. Trigger ran straight to Rosalie and she was quick to pet him.

"Hey, Buddy, I'm okay." She tells him as Eric closed the door behind them. "Come on, let's go upstairs." She tells the dog before heading up the stairs.

As they walked into the Matthews boys' bedroom, Cory and Shawn went quiet as they were sitting up on their beds. When Shawn saw the girl he was quick to jump up and hug.

"Hey, Shawnie." She said quietly as she hugged him back. "I'm okay." She tells him before pulling back.

"Rose, what happened? Are you okay?" Cory asks as Eric walked in and shut the door.

"Leave her alone, Cory." He tells him as he goes over to his closest.

"I'm just asking if she's okay." He says as Eric went through his clothes.

"And I'm telling you to leave her alone and help me find something she can wear to get cleaned up and out of these clothes." Eric says and Shawn goes straight to his bag.

"I'm okay, Cor." Rose tells the boy before looking at his brother. "Eric, calm down. Everything's fine." She tells him.

"Here, she left these at John's when she stayed over there." Shawn says handing him a pair of her bike shorts as Eric finds a clean shirt.

"Thanks." He says before handing them to the girl.

"Eric." Rose say as he opens the bathroom door for her. "Eric, look at me." She tells him as he starts the water for a shower.

"I've known you since before we could talk; and I've loved just as long. In all those years that he was hitting you, I knew something was wrong. I knew it, but, I never put two and two together. After, we all found out and we got together, I told myself that I'd never hurt you like he did in anyway. But, I did. I hurt you. And then, when Dad said there was an accident, I thought I lost you." He tells her before she cut him off.

"Hey, I told you. You can't lose me that easily. I'm not going anywhere, baby." She tells him before kissing him.

"You better not." He says and she chuckles with a smile.

"Deal. Now, either go back to your room or join me." She tells him holding her smile.

"I hate you for that." He tells her making her laugh as he left.

The girl put her stuff down before getting undressed and putting her clothes in the hamper. As she got into the shower, the warm water felt good on her sore achy muscles as she let out a deep breath. Alone for the first time since everything happened, she gave herself a minute to let the day's events sink in.
Her mind was going a mile a minute as she washed her hair and body.

"Where's Rosalie?" Mrs. Matthews asks as she walks in with her husband along with a fresh out of the shower Jamie and a very tired and slightly freaked out Kelsea.

"Upstairs taking a shower." Eric tells her as he cleaned up the small mess on the kitchen island. "Where's Genevieve, Vanessa, and Theo?" He asks not seeing them.

"They went back to Vanessa's. They didn't want to crowd up the place." Jamie tells him and he nods.

"What are we supposed to do? I mean, I don't know what to say to her or what to do. How do I help her?" Eric asks as he stood by the sink. "When her mom left, we just got ice cream and went to the park. We ran around playing until we passed out. We're not six years old anymore, this is different. Donovan could die. How am I supposed to help her with this?" He rants and his parents look at each other before looking at him.

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