Chapter 3 California Dreaming

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"Did you read this letter from Shawn?" Rose asks as they sat on the plane that was about to land.

"No. Not yet, this one from Cory is like twelve pages." Eric complains making the girl chuckle. "He insists on writing every since thing we miss— No way!" He says cutting himself off.

"What?" Rose asks looking over his shoulder at the letter.

"June stood by herself yesterday or whenever this was written." He tells her.

"Noooo!" She says as she took the paper to read it for herself. "She's going to be running around the house by the time we get back home. This is so unfair!" She complains as they put the plane starts to land. "Add this to the list of reasons why I want to go home." She says handing him the paper back.

"We'll be home before we know it." He tells her and he put his hand on hers.

Once the plane landed, they stood up and the boy went to get their carry ons from the overhead compartment. As he hands Rose her Birkin bag, he notices an elderly couple struggling to get their bag out.

"Here, let me." Eric says to the older man as he reached for the bag.

"You got it?" Rose asks her boyfriend, ready to help, as he struggled a bit with the strap of the back.

"Got it!" He laughs off pulling the bag out.

"Oh, thank you, young man." The older man says as Eric gave him the bag.

"No problem, sir. Glad to help." He tells the man with his goofy smile.

"You two make such a lovely couple." The older woman says making the two of them smile and look at each other. "How long have you been together?" She asks the blushing couple.

"Our whole lives." Rosalie tells her with a smile.

"We got married when we were five years old and just had our twelfth anniversary not too long ago." Eric tells the woman proudly making the older woman smile.

"That's the type of relationship that will last a lifetime. A love like that will bring out the best you in for the rest of your lives or it will ruin you. By the looks of you two, you're going to last forever, mark my words." The woman says and the smiles as they looked from the woman to each other.

"Thank you." Rose says as she leaned into her boyfriend.

The woman nods before leaving with her husband. Eric kisses Rosalie's cheek before he grabs his bag. Together, they make there way off the plane as they held hands.

"I have a surprise for you." Eric says as he pulled the girl into his side.

"How? We just got here." She says as she looked at him while they walked through the terminal.

"You're not the only one with connections." He tells her making her roll her eyes.

"You make me sound like I'm in the mafia or something." The girl says as they went to baggage claim.

"You'd make a very sexy, mafia boss." He tells her and she laughs.

"You'd make a very hot, assistant." She tells him before kissing him.

"I'd rather be in Malibu." Rosalie complains as they put their stuff in the car.

"How about we go today?" Eric asks as he put his luggage in the car. "I mean, you don't have to actually be here in LA until tomorrow." He says making a good point.

"Declan?" Rose says making the man look at her as he talked with Mike.

"Yeah?" He asks a little distracted.

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