Chapter 12 College Talking And More Slut Shaming

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"Miss Harris, I'm glad to see you're still interested in the Ivy Leagues." Mr. Feeny says to the girl as they sat in his office.

"It's not so much as getting into a good school as it is getting a ticket out of here." Rose says rubbing her hands on her thighs.

"Well, you have a good plan set up for that to happen. Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, and Dartmouth, are all very good schools. I think you would do wonderful at anyone of them. But, I do want to make sure that you have back ups." He tells her and she nods as she looked at the man.

"NYU, UCLA, UCSD, UPenn, UW Seattle, Duke, and a few others in North Carolina." She tells him before handing him the list of backups.

"These are some good choices, Miss Harris." He tells her and she nods giving a small smile.

"Thank you. I just, uh, what else do I need to do to get in? I've got the applications, all of my test scores, I'm working on the recommendations and the essays." The girl tells the man as he moved a few papers on his desk.

"Just keep doing what you're doing. Keep your grades up, keep yourself out of trouble, and work on those essays." He tells her and she nods.

"Okay, thanks, Mr. Feeny." She tells him as she stood up.

"You're welcome, Miss Harris." He tells her before she walks out.

"How did the meeting with Feeny go?" Vanessa asks as they stood by the lockers.

"As well as it could. He said I still have a shot at the Ivy Leagues even with all the crap that's happened." Rose tells her as she was leaning against the lockers with her arms crossed. "I just have to keep myself in line and stay out of trouble."

"This should be interesting." Jamie says and the girl hits his stomach.

"Shut up." She tells him as he rubs his stomach.

"He's got a point. When have you ever been able to stay out of trouble?" Theo asks and she groans as she rolls her eyes.

"I don't get into trouble that much." She says as she looked at the two boys.

"Look at her, she just broke up with Eric and now she's all over the new guy."

"We all knew she was a slut, just look at the way she's dressed."

"She can hear you." The girl who was the subject their latest complaints tells the two girls. "And it's not my fault that your boyfriends would rather be in my bed then yours. I like to think is my eucalyptus silk sheets I bought in Paris last summer. Or the fact that I'm not a fake blonde." Rose tells her before walking away with a flat smirk.

The next day, Rose wore a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a cropped fishnet sheer top that covered her black lace bralette and a black leather jacket with her Saint Laurent boots. Of course, even though she had wore the outfit before, everyone had something to say. At this point, it didn't matter what she wore. Someone always had an opinion on it.

"Where is my book?" Rose asks as she looked in her locker to get her stuff for Turner's class.

"Oh, you let me borrow it." Eric says before handing the girl the book.

"Right, thanks." She says as she took the book.

"Yeah, no problem." He tells her before walking away.

"That is such a sluttly outfit, how does she just walk out of the house like that?" A girl says as she and her friend walk by.

"Because, sluts don't care." Her friend says and Rose rolls her eyes.

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