Chapter Twenty- Eight: Live Dont Just Survive 1/2

Start from the beginning

No one got out of their cars but three men. Vickers, at the head. A man pulling Dixon along on the left. A man pulling Maddie to the right.

Their hands were bound, Dixon's eyes were swollen from crying and my grip tightened on the stirring wheel, Maddie had this gaze in her eyes that looked dead, she didn't even look like she was in there anymore.

She was dazed and doing exactly what the man told her to do, she wasn't even protesting like Dixon was. It was as if all of the fights had left her, I had failed her completely and I'll never forgive myself for that.

Even if I try to make this right it was too late, she was gone. Her peace of mind was gone. Vickers was going to pay for what he had put her and Dixon through.

This was going to end tonight.

I grab the two suitcases that held half a million dollars in them. I was willing to pay them to get the girls back to safety but after that, they were going to be six feet under the ground.

"Well if it isn't high and mighty, gracing us with his presence." Vickers riles me up hoping to get a rise out of me but I knew better than to close just how much ai wanted his death, until after the girls were on this side until they were in the car ready to flee.

"I'm not here to play games with you. I have the money now hand them over." I say sternly. I could feel Maddie's gaze on me but it wasn't her, she wasn't in there right now. She was in a different universe or a different period in this one. She was a million miles away and I had doubts that I would be able to coax her out of that mental state even when I get her back.

The man holding Dixon walked her over to me and grabbed the suitcase in my right hand. She clung to me, snot running out of her nose, I'd never seen her cry this hard even when my mother used to yell at her. Her soul was crushed and she nearly gave way against me.

"Hey, your okay now." I kiss her forehead. "Go wait in the truck." I shoo her towards the vehicle and watch as she gets into the passenger seat, I debate if she would be able to drive off if it came down to that, she's never driven a day in her life, and Maddie would be with her, but I didn't know if Maddie would even be able to zone back in enough to drive them to safety.

"Now Madeline." I didn't want to use her nickname with him, they didn't deserve to hear it. They didn't deserve any of her and I hated how Vickers grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. He kissed her cheek and Maddie tensed in his grasp. "She wasn't wearing any underwear, practically asking for it."

It became clear exactly what he had done to her, I knew in the back of my mind this whole time what was going to happen. That's why I was restless and the itchy feeling on my skin was awakened, I knew what he was doing to her while he had her captive and there was nothing I could do about it once she was taken, absolutely nothing.

My whole body tensed and the other man takes Maddie to my side and grabs the other suitcase. I grab her and breathed in her scent one last time because I didn't know if I would ever smell it again. I wished more than anything I could see happiness in her eyes again.

"Wait inside the car, sweets." I kiss her cheek and watch as she walks a few feet back but she doesn't get in the car, she just stands by it eyeing me carefully.

Almost like she didn't want to be too far away from me. "A fair fight, Vickers," I say loud enough the cars with the windows rolled down could hear me, he needed to few pressured into it or else he wouldn't accept.

I took my gun from my waistline and sat it on the ground by my feet before taking a few steps towards him.

Vickers looks around at all of his men watching him and he straightens his poster. "Bet."

He throws down his gun, it clatters as it hits the pavement, surely scratching the piece of metal pretty badly.

They all but run at each other. Fists are flying and I don't even register the pain, I love it. It felt good but it felt even better feeling my fist connect with his flesh, I vaguely hear cars rushing around us, I'm slightly away that The Voiceless has shown up and that The Forefathers ran just as I have suspected.

Vickers wasn't a leader that could hold his men in line, I'd be surprised if anyone stayed to help him, the son of bitch didn't have anyone's respect, and that is what these kinds of clubs need to thrive.

I was punching his face over and over again when I felt something sink into my stomach.

The pain excruciated, I already felt the blood soaking my shirt and skin making it sticky and warm. I roll off of him and as he raises his hand to stab me again a bang goes off and Vickers falls to the ground, standing behind him is Maddie.

She has no emotions on her face as the man falls to the ground, no emotion until she notices all of the blood I'm losing. Her eyes dart at the puddle surrounding me and something rekindles in her gaze as she falls to her knees cradling my head in her lap.

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