chapter xxviii

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as we are walking down the road, bianca spots rowan and starts to wave. i gasp, and pull her into an alleyway.
"bianca!! he can't see we've been dress shopping - he will ask to see the dress. it has to be a surprise!!"
"oh yes sorry" she giggles.

we get back to jericho, and i stuff my dress in the wardrobe. this hurts bianca.
"STOPPPP YOU HAVE TO HANG IT IP NEATLY SO IT DOESNT GET CRUMPLED" her outburst makes me jump, and i hurriedly hang the dress up.
"so. who are you going to the dance with?" i say, amazed i haven't asked that yet.
"xavier" she replies, shyly.
"is he not going with wednesday?"
bianca sighs. "no, she's going with that normie from the coffee shop."
i give her a sympathetic smile. she could have anyone she wants, yet she only has eyes for someone who doesn't have eyes for her. she is the second choice and we both know it.

*day of the dance*
a bunch of girls join us in our dorm in the morning, with boxes full of everything. there is so much chattering while everyone does each others hair, nails, and makeup. someone brought a load of food, so that we don't have to leave the room until the dance, meaning no one will see us before they are allowed to. getting ready was really fun, and everyone did an amazing job. for me, yoko did a "cold look" with makeup, fitting the theme of the icy dance while using light makeup. quite a few videos and photos were taken, and everyone looked amazing in them. but of course, we couldn't post them until after the dance.

finally, it was time for the dance. i check my phone for any messages before putting it in my purse, and we all put our shoes on, ready to leave.

as i enter the hall, i look around for rowan. he is leaning against a pillar, taking a puff of his inhaler, but he hasn't spotted me yet. i smile to myself before slowly walking over to him. when he spots me, his jaw drops and he is frozen in position. i smile wide at him, and whisper "hi". he doesn't reply, as his mouth is still open in shock, while he slowly looks me up and down, taking in every inch of me. i take his hand and face him, and he finally is able to close his mouth. "holy shit" he mutters in awe. and hes not the only one. the entire dance floor seems to have stopped mid song, everyone gaping at seeing us together. i pull him towards me, smiling into his chest as we start to dance.

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