chapter i

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as the metal gates clang shut, i shudder. this school does not look how i depicted it. should i have gone here?

i am sitting in the middle of class, when i feel my head be tugged back. i turn around to see the school jock has a lock of my hair twisted around two fingers. how disgusting. he leans forward and whispers "ugly pig". something sparks inside me, and he goes flying backwards. what. the. fuck.

i press my forehead on the window as i think back. this was only 2 months ago, and ever since then it has gotten worse, more erratic each time. i have become a danger to society, and my parents do not know what to do. so, when they showed me this brochure, i instantly accepted.

the car pulls to a halt, and i step out.
as i am gathering my things, a very tall woman appears in front of me. i recognise her as the principal, who held the interview. she takes me inside to meet my new roomie.

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