chapter xv

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bianca is wrong. i do not like rowan. i love him. and it doesn't take me long to figure this out.

i leave my dorm and go to his, having the sudden urge to check he is okay. i keep getting random thoughts of things that could have happened to him, so i am checking up on him a lot more regularly than i need to. i practically sprint down the hallways, and stop abruptly at rowans. i take a deep breath, reaching for the handle, when i hear shouting.
"rowan. she's not like you. shes way more dangerous." my breath stops, realising they are talking about me.
"she is like me"
"she's not. she's got a weird type of telekinesis - it's unpredictable and deadly. she is going to destroy everyone around her, including herself, and theres nothing anyone can do. and if you don't stay away from her, she will destroy you too."
"then so be it." rowan finishes the argument calmly, and that does it. i have fallen for the outcasts of outcasts. the door then flies open unexpectedly, and xavier nearly crashes into me. they both stand looking at me for a few seconds, before xavier asks, with a hint of unease in his voice, "how long have you been standing there?"
"the whole thing" i reply, and then force myself to look at rowan. we lock eyes, and my cheeks start heating up. he is about to say something, but i physically cannot be in his presence now without crumbling to the ground, so i turn and run. as fast as i can. i get back to my dorm, locking the door behind me, and replay what just happened, cringing.

bianca walks in on me screaming into my pillow, like i had been for the past 2 consecutive hours, and asks me what happened. i reluctantly tell her the story, and she bursts out laughing.
"never thought i would be friends with someone in love with rowan laslow" she scoffs.i groan and put my head back in my pillow. i regret telling her anything.
"hey, lets put your weird taste to the side, and figure out how we are gonna do this, yeah?"
"do what?"
"get you rowan" she replies, with a wink.

we stay up late creating a plan on what i should say to him, and how this will work, yet the next day, when we go into class, rowan spots me and tries speaking to me.
"hey y/n!" he says, making his way over. this was not part of the plan, so my mind blanks, panicking.
"arghhhh" i basically scream in his face, and then sit down with my head on the desk, refusing to look at the laughing bianca and the probably confused rowan.

"how are you actually so bad at pulling people?" bianca says when we are in the courtyard for lunch.
"i mean its rowan - hes not gonna reject anyone if we are honest." i grumble a few kind words at her, and leave.

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