chapter xi

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once again i running back to my dorm, dopamine levels extremely high. i burst through the door with a lot of force, making bianca jump, and she looks me up and down before asking
"what the hell were u just doing? drugs?"
"pretty much" i reply, with a big grin. i am reluctant on telling her what actually happened as i know she will disapprove and i do not need that negativity while i am so happy. i leave the dorm soon after, determined to not be questioned on my sudden burst of joy, and go to enids room. i don't know enid very well, but i do know that she is good at handling said emotions.

enid ushers me in and i am ranting to her in no time. i was right - she was the best person to come to about this. we quickly have a dance party, until wednesday enters and smashes the speaker. i go back to my own room, worn out, but crash into xavier on the way. "stay away from rowan" he murmurs. i can hardly hear it but i am instantly freaked out.

i go back to my room and my emotion has completely changed. i am now confused and worried.
"your mood changed a lot. everything alright?" bianca asks as soon as i walk in. curse her for being so caring. should i just tell her? i don't really want a lecture, but i really need some advice. i sigh. "please don't lecture me. its rowan. i kissed him" i immediately see the disappointment on her face, yet she obliges my wishes and doesn't lecture me. "was it a bad kiss? why are you upset?"
"no it was a great kiss. thats why i was so happy. but xavier told me to stay away from rowan" bianca frowns at this. "xavier told you to stay away from rowan?"
"yes but not even in a concerned for me way - in a im warning you way."
"what? but you didn't do anything?" she says, baffled.
"i know and now i am very confused"

bianca catches up on homework while i scroll through social media, though i seem to be doing it subconsciously as my mind is still focused on xavier. what did he mean by that? maybe he doesn't want me to break rowans heart? i sigh and put my phone down. this can be tomorrows problem

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