chapter iii

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"so what, he just asked you to meet him in the library with no explanation?" bianca asks, amused
"that guys always been a freak, hes somehow an outcast in a school of outcasts" bianca says, going back to her phone. i grab my jacket and head towards the door, when she looks up again. "what, are you actually going to go?" she says, disbelieving.
"well.. yeah. he seemed genuine earlier and i am intrigued" i reply.
"okay, but if theres any trouble text me alright?" she says

its dark and the hallways are dimly lit, so finding the library proves rather difficult. i end up getting there, but seeing how big it is i realise it may be hard to find rowan - i don't even know what he looks like. i feel defeated, and just sit down in an armchair, picking up the closest book. if rowan wants to talk to me, he can find me.

i start getting engrossed in the book, when- "hi" rowan says, startling me. a shelve of books falls on the floor, and i feel my cheeks heat up. it takes me a couple of moments, but i look up at rowan for the first time, and am surprised with how attractive he actually is.
"why did you want to meet me here?" i ask, choosing to ignore everything that just happened - internally and externally.
"that." he says. pointing at the pile of books on the floor. slowly, the books start floating and slot back into place.
i gasp. "did you do that?" i say, in shock.
i am impressed with how easily he did it.
"you can control it?" i ask.
"yes. and i want to teach you how to as well. if you want to of course" he adds the last section quickly, and turns red.
"yes please" i say.

he ends up teaching me for ages, and it is well past midnight by the time i get back. bianca is still awake,
"what the hell have you been up to? why is your hair so messy? why are your cheeks flushed?" she asks all at once.
"so many questions!!" i say, gathering my breath. she stares at me for a few minutes. "what?" i say
"did you and rowan.."
"what? no! of course not!" i say, shocked that she would even think so. yet, i still feel my cheeks go pink.
"then why do you look so rough, and why were you gone for hours?" she asks.
"if you must know, he was giving me lessons." i say, triumphantly.
"yeah i bet he was," she says, smirking. my face is tomato red now. "stop!! he just helped me with my abilities okay? nothing weird!" i say
"then why are you so red?"
that is a very good question. i don't answer and just look at her, trying to figure out how to reply, when she asks in a disgusted tone, "do you like rowan?" i pause again. do i?
"no of course not". yet for the rest of the night, his floppy brown hair and cute nerdy glasses is all i can think of.

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