"Well, I was wondering if you would like to. Be my lady-in-waiting, I mean."

I blinked as all the women seemed to pause their ministrations, Astrid included, as she looked at me, wide-eyed, a pinkish hue filling her cheeks that brought more attention to her freckles.

"Y-You're appointing me? Truly?"

I smiled at her reaction, happy that this seemed to be something that was highly coveted.

"Of course. It would be an honour to have you."

My words seemed to shock her more as a hand lifted to rest on her chest.

"The honour is mine, Princess. It would truly be a privilege to serve you in the highest court. Thank you so much for the opportunity."

My smile widened into a wide grin at her acceptance, and I leaned forward to bring her into a big, warm hug.

"Yay! We're going to have so much fun together; it's going to be so nice to have a friend around all the time."

Astrid stood stiff in my embrace for a moment before she let herself relax slightly and patted my shoulder a few times in her version of reciprocated affection.

"Sorry to interrupt Princess, but we really must hurry up. It's almost time—"

All of our heads turned to face the door as a knock sounded, but before I could even react, the freckled girl was walking towards the interruption and opening the door.

"Yes?" I heard her soft voice call. My vision was blocked by her body, and I could only make out every other word from her conversation.

I would have gotten up to investigate myself, but I knew that the women fussing over my hair would not appreciate my wandering.

"Okay, thank you."

I strained my neck to try and see what was being passed to Astrid, and I managed to catch sight of a very puffy and long garment that she held carefully in her arms.

"What's this?" I questioned, almost in a trance-like state as my eyes flitted over the sparkly, tool-like fabric. The bodice appeared tight and form-fitting, but the bottom was ballgown adjacent, seeming to flow endlessly and beautifully, spilling over the hands that held it until it trailed on the floor. But the detail that truly had me take was the rose-gold leaves and flowers wrapped around the dress and across the bust. The dress was stunning, and funnily enough, it was the complete opposite of the silky, muted evening gown I was currently dressed in.

 The dress was stunning, and funnily enough, it was the complete opposite of the silky, muted evening gown I was currently dressed in

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"Prince Azrael has requested that you wear this for the ceremony instead."

My lips parted in surprise as I tore my gaze from the dress to look at her.

"Really? But isn't this one more traditional?" I gestured to the silk I was currently donned in but only did so as to not appear too eager to rid myself of the lifeless fabric, its only redeeming quality being its flowy nature.

"Yes, but it seems like he would prefer you in this, nevertheless."


I was quick to agree and stood from the stool, noticing that the ladies had finished their preparations.

I approached Astrid to take the dress from her so I could put it on but instead, she turned around and walked in another direction, seemingly leading me somewhere else.

"This dress requires a corset; I'll assist you in putting it on." She spoke as we entered an extremely large dressing room.

She hung the dress and gestured for me to remove my dress.

"Oh, um...alright then." My neck warmed, and my words escaped in an awkward fashion as I started to undress in front of her. The dress came off in one swift motion, and soon after, I was left standing in my lacey white undergarments.

Unlike me, Astrid appeared completely unfazed by my nudity and instructed me to turn around. A surprised gasp left my parted lips as my bra was suddenly removed, but it was quickly replaced by a sheer corset that was just as swiftly tightened on my body.

"Goodness." I breathed, feeling constricted after all the tugging and pulling.

But I didn't even have time to catch my breath as I was helped into the dress right after. I didn't yet see myself, but I knew that it was a perfect fit. So perfect that it felt moulded onto my skin.

"There we are," Astrid murmured to herself as she fluffed out the bottom.

She started directing me out of the room, but I stumbled, wanting to stay longer so that I could see myself in the mirror.

"Wait, I didn't get to see."

She didn't respond, instead bending down to slip my feet into a pair of heels.

"I'm sorry, Princess, but we don't have time; we must leave now."


"This way Princess." One of the ladies, Martha was her name, ushered me towards the door and out of the room as the others gathered the bottom of my dress in their hands.

Everything moved in a blur as we bustled down the hallway, and I found myself tripping over my feet more times than not. It still didn't feel real; all that was happening. It hardly felt right to be called a Princess, and yet, in a few short moments, I would be crowned Queen.

Avernus || Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now