Isabella sighed "Stop scaring them Denver... See how nervous they look? They are new students." She looked around the table "Dont worry... Just stay away from anyone wearing a football logo shirt or coat or any item of clothing. And dont you dare wear anything with football team's logo. There is only one football team here. The male team. The girls dont play football here... If you attend games hold up banners they hand to you and collect at the end. Just keep your head down and be careful... If you dont make eye contact with these rulers of the school or dont offend them by saying anything wrong you will be safe. Just keep away and dont address them unless they address you."

The table was silent. The new students were looking at each other worriedly. But Verona was not bothered. She actually looked forward to encountering people who did not fear her and for once she had to be careful not to get into someone's way. She looked forward to see things from the other side.

One of the new students asked "So... Who should we be wary of the most? Its good to have some names... Every high school has a king."

The other new students nodded in unison and looked at Denver and Isabella expectantly for an answer.

Verona again was not worried. She was there to keep her head down and not attract any attention. She wanted to get into a good medical school and this school was famous for being one of the best high schools with tailored special courses that prepared you for pre-med and offered many extra clubs and activities that looked good on medical applications. She was there to study and definitely not get into anyone's way. But she wanted to also experience the normal life she had looked forward to. She wanted to be a normal student and be treated like a normal student.

Denver explained "To answer your question, the captain of the football team is the king of high school..."

Verona said "That's typical. isn't it?"

Isabella said "He is not a typical captain though... His family is pretty powerful and wealthy. His family are the governors of the school. So he rules the place in every way. But he doesn't even need to pull rank. Trust me when you meet him you will know who he is. His presence radiates power and when he looks at you he lets you know he has authority over you. He is a very dominant character. His family are a crime family but no one talks about it... His family are above the law if you know what I mean... Try not to talk about him..."

The new students nodded enthusiastically saying "Sure...", "We dont want trouble"... "Definitely..."

Verona was getting a very good impression of this school. So she could finally experience what everyone else experienced when they attended a Rosario or O'Neil school. She looked forward not to be looked at and treated like a princess. It felt great to be here.

Denver looked around and then whispered "One more thing... This captain who is the king of high school has a family crest that is a white rose for women and black rose for men... If you see that crest anywhere know that it belongs to his family and you must treat them with respect. He wears a watch with a black rose in the background.

Verona froze at that information. No it couldn't be... Were they talking about him? No. He was the only one from that family with such description. She couldn't possibly have been enrolled in his school.

Isabella explained "His name is Ottavio Orsino..."

Verona's heart was suddenly beating fast and she went into panic mode. No way. No chance. She had to leave now. She stood up. She had to un-enrol immediately. She said politely to others "Excuse me... I have to go..."

Denver said "Wait... The football team could enter any minute now... This is when their early morning training finishes... Wait for them to come... See... They have a huge table already emptied for them always available. No one dares sit in their seat or gets in their way when its their time to come..."

Verona Rosario (Book 5: A Mob Boss's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now