The Heeseung one really pissed me off. I turned my phone off sourly and leaned back in the chair I was in. I leaned my head on the wall and closed my eyes. I'm sure my eyes were closed for about ten minutes before I was disrupted.

I opened my eyes and held my head up. "I saw some of the comments on your post." Sunoo said, sitting next to me. His voice was low and gentle. Sunoo's voice was truly calming; I wish mine was like that.

"Dont pay any attention to it Jeongmi. They wish they could be half as pretty as you are. I mean it, you are extremely pretty." Sunoo complimented with a large gleeful smile on his face.

I blushed. I didnt really think anyone found me pretty, especially not "extremely pretty" but hell, I'll take it. I bowed my head a few times, embarrassed by my blushing.

"Dont worry Jeongmi. I bet they look like the wicked witches babies anyways. Fionna and Shrek got real busy I suppose." Sunoo teased, giggling. I couldnt help but laugh. Sunoo was amazing.

He went on talking about something else and showed me things on his phone for a good while. I listened and laughed with him whenever he said or showed something funny.

Eventually Jay came over and joined in on the fun. God knows how many things they talked about whilst I paid attention. I'd sometimes respond with my phone otherwise I enjoyed just listening to their silliness.

Even Jungwon had eventually came over, showing us funny stuff as well and talking about hilarious stories. I'm sure we all hung out in the corner for the hour we had to wait for the show to call us out.

The stylist (makeup, hair, etc) immediately ran to us one by one and fixed us up if needed. With that we were out to the set and began the show.

Time skip

I was finally home after a long exhausting day. The show went ok I suppose. The host slipped a few sly comments about me but otherwise it was alright. I washed all my makeup off and washed my hair.

I sighed and changed into comfy pajamas. I checked the time and it was 11:11pm. I would make a wish if I believed in them. As you can tell, I wish for a lot but numbers on a clock wont grant them all.

Not even one. Then there was a knock on my door. I sighed and opened it to see Heeseung. I groaned and was about to shut the door before he stopped me and let himself in. He slammed the door shut, staring down at me with a hunger shining in his eyes.

I looked up at him confused. "I dont hate you Jeongmi. I didnt mean what I said. I wish I could explain to you what I truly mean but I cant, I havent figured it all out for myself but there certainly is one thing I understand." He went on.

I could care less about what he had to say. He didnt mean it. He hasnt meant it before so why would he now? I couldnt trust him like I used to. I frowned and turned away. Heeseung was quick to turn me back around.

"I know I messed up Jeongmi but think about it. Would I really care for you like I did if I found it uncomfortable?" He questioned, raising a brow. I grabbed my phone off the island counter and began to type as fast as I could without making grammar mistakes.

"Then why did you say it was so awkward to be around me? If make you all uncomfortable so much then go to the CEO and get me out the group before I kick myself out." Then I gave Heeseung my phone so he could read it.

"They wouldnt let you leave if you wanted to, a hiatus at the most. Again, I dont know how to explain it but please Jeongmi." Heeseung pleaded, looking me deep in the eyes.

I've fallen for this too many times. I turned away and went to the fridge. I grabbed the vodka and began to chug, scrunching my nose at its bitterness. "No, Jeongmi stop." Heeseung came up behind me and took the vodka from me.

I whined and nudged his chest. "You know how me and Jay feel about your drinking. It's not the answer." He scolded. I snatched it back and took another large gulp while staring him in the eye.

Heeseung visibly got more frustrated. "Put it away." He demanded with a more serious tone. I rolled my eyes and shoved it back in the fridge before slamming the fridge doors shut.

I leaned against it with my arms crossed. "Dont pout like a damn child Jeongmi. We have schedule tomorrow, last thing YOU need is to be hungover." Heeseung scolded more.

It's not like I talk so nobody would really notice. I tried to move past him but he held me against the fridge. He stared at me for a few seconds. "I'm sorry I didn't attend your birthday dinner. I was scared of upsetting you more." He suddenly confessed.

I titled my head in confusion at his sudden words. The alchohol was taking its affect and I honestly just wanted to sleep. I couldnt handle this right now. I tried to pull from his grip but he wouldnt let go. "Jeongmi. Please." Heeseung begged.

My heart abruptly fluttered. I couldnt help but blush. I looked back up at him with calm eyes. I grabbed his face and pulled it close to mine. He gasped, almost holding his breath.

I may regret this, I dont know. If it's to get him to hush until we are able to talk again then so be it. I left a small peck on his lips. Heeseung's eyes were wide open. I let go of his face and stood, astonished by my own actions.

We stared at one another for a long minute. Heeseung backed up a little. I watched him, my eyelids weighing more and more. "Why'd you kiss me?" He asked, still looking like he just saw a ghost. I shrugged. Yeah I wanted him to hush but why did I do that?!

Yeah hes definitely going to ghost me. I grabbed my phone and typed slowly without thinking. "If you want me to again then I will." Then I turned the phone to him.

Heeseung seemed to go pale then flare up red. I smirked and put my phone on the counter. "Cmon Jeongmi your letting the alchohol talk." He spoke like he was flustered, trying not to stutter.

I shrugged once again. Let it speak if it wishes. He scoffed, in disbelief at my confidence. "I should of known when you tried to kiss me last time you were drunk." Heeseung smiled. I grabbed my phone again.

"That was when I didnt know you secretly were uncomfortable by my presence." Then I gave him my phone. His smile instantly dropped. "That isn't true Jeongmi! For the others maybe but for me it isnt true!" He whined like a child.

I scoffed. He put my phone down on the island and stepped closer, making me press myself against the fridge. He leaned down really close as if he was going to kiss me, but he paused just before our lips touched.

"Just...think about it, ok?" Heeseung asked, his voice ringing in my ears. I nodded. He smirked, a sudden confidence arising in his eyes. Butterflies in my stomach were making me feel sick.

He stood up straight and walked out. I finally released a breath I had been holding. God I hate him. I hate when he makes me feel that way yet I hate the way he treats me.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, walking to my bed. I climbed up the stairs and flopped down, clicking my phone on the charger. I closed my eyes and fell into my dreamland.

Perhaps I'll be loved the way I wished I was in my dreams.

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