Like no im not scared but like what if there's something inside and then it like does that then this and then a ghost comes from a wall and takes my soul

What room are you in y/n calm down you're scaring yourself so bad

Liked by pablito


Finally someone knocks at the door I open it and there was no one.

I swear, there was a knock. Where is Gavi what happened to him what's going on. I leave the door open and I can't but squeeze my both hands to a fist and wonder if I'm being haunted.

"Boo!" Gavi comes from behind a wall.

AND I START RUNNING not screaming but running. TOWARDS HIM!

"Y/n DONT HIT ME ITS ME ITS ME!!" Gavi kept saying but I was so scared to look all I kept doing was hitting him, till Gavi had been able to grab both my hands together.

"Y/n it's me."

I pull away, look at him up and down. and go back inside my room. This man was going to give me a heart attack today. He was planning my murder for sure.

"Gavi don't do that I swear it's not funny."

He entered my room and closes the door behind.

"Okay okay I'm sorry I wanted to see how you'd react."

"I'm actually flabbergasted, even the urge to pee left me."

"Ok so do I leave now?"


"hahahahah y/n then what do you want me to dooo?"

"Wait till I say you can go."

"OKOK fine." Gavi starts spinning around the room and complimenting every and each place he checks.

I was only sitting on the floor, not thinking of anything but if this man could possibly handle this everywhere I go with him possibly in the future.

"Y/n what are you thinking about, you usually talk, ALOT."

"Like if you're idk hmmm like able to handle this."

"Handle what?"

"This, that I can't but have someone in a place alone."

Gavi stays quiet, either backing up out of shyness or just doesn't know.

He proceeds to sit next to me and start.

"Ofcourse I will handle the way you were able to stay with me through my worst situations in life. That doesn't change how sweet and sarcastic you are." Gavi plays with my fingers and smiles at me.

I stayed quiet processing he said, everything was so awwwwww sweet oh my days my heart I wanna squeeze it and laugh.

"You're not saying anything?" He says.

"OH I thought I liked your message HELP."

"HUH that's what legit happens for being to obsessed texting people take a break or you'll go blind from using your phone."

"Shut up." I laugh.

"OKOK gavi please wait I have to actually like go please don't leave like keep talking or singing please." I enter the bathroom

"I won't Y/n."

He says and starts thinking of something to speak about. "Okay so I don't know much about skating or maybe nothing at all so I'm hoping you could teach me if that's possible. Also I'm pretty sure whatever you recommend will be as fun as going to the beach with you that day."

As I wash my hands I smile. "Nothing can be compared to that day, it's my favorite memory."

"Xavi is calling us down ok come here." Gavi hence says.

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