Chapter 30: Thantophobia

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Chapter 30: Thantophobia

"Stop please!" I whimper.

"This is your boyfriend's fault just remember that" he says.

Two hours earlier

Thantophobia is the fear of losing someone you love.

Somehow that's how I felt everyday. Losing Johnny was enough for me to realize that. But I knew I was going to loose Aria and worst of all Jason.

Everyone was somehow slowly fading away. Just like my parents.

I hadn't seen my dad in weeks and my mother was too distracted into learning culinary. Liam of course was too into practicing for basketball too.

Being alone became my new hobby.

"What's wrong?" Aria asked me.

I snapped my attention towards Aria.

"Sorry I was just.. Day dreaming" I say.

I focus my attention towards my salad and start picking at it with my fork.


"I lost my appetite that's all" I smiled.

"Okay" Aria smiled back.

"How was your chicken sandwich?" I ask starting a conversation.

"You really want to know I mean your a vegetarian?" she giggles.

I chuckle." No actually I don't"

"Liam and I-"

I raise an eyebrow and she stops talking.

"Your dating?" I ask.

"Maybe" she smiles while she looks at her food.

I look at my salad again and pick at it.

"What not really hungry?" Someone whispers in my ear.

From the way I got goosebumps from the sound of the voice I knew it was Jason. He was the only one who made my body respond to his voice like that.

"I didn't know you were here today?" I question.

He sits down at Aria and I's table. He smiles and I realize something.

I fell in love with him in a strange way. I didn't know I loved him. But when I looked one look at him I fell in love I suppose. Maybe I didn't realize it at first but I did.

It wasn't his looks. Maybe it was the way he was so interesting. So irresistible I couldn't resist him.

I didn't want to loose him.

"I slept in late" he says simply.

Aria scrunched up her face as if trying to figure out if he was lying. I just nod.

The bell rings and I get up. Next class here I come. I roll my eyes when I see Max. Even if we were sort of friends he still annoyed me.

He begins walking towards me but before he could walk any closer Jason snakes his arm securely around me. I hated that. How he was so protective of me.

"Well I guess you guys are official?" He asks.

I open my mouth to respond but Jason beats me to it.

"Yes" he says.

"Aren't you being a little clingy Brooks" Max gestures towards Jason's arm.

"Maybe but she is my girlfriend now isn't she?" Jason smirks.

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