"i'm fine." i said.

"you seem nervous, what's up?"

"i just been thinking."

since i've watched the boys in their small group dance something had been on my mind, and i need to talk to James about it

"i want you to do the B twist in our duet." i told him.

"the B twist?" he asked surprised.


the competition here is fierce. and i believe that he can do it.

"i know that i told you that you should listen to your heart, and i'm still telling you that."

"i don't even know if i can do the move a 100 percent!"

"okay, but i know you can do the move."


"yes. you've worked so hard on it. i believe in you."

"okay, when?"

"um, after we do the lift, stage left."

he smiled at me. "okay." i put my arms around his neck. "Iz?"


"i love you." i smiled.

"i love you too." he kissed me and then we heard the Crowd cheering and our set up went on stage.

i took a deep breath as went on and i took my place. and then... the song started.

the whole story of our dance is that i am a piece of artwork and James is all about business and i somehow come to life.

i was dancing with point shoes, which made me feel so comfortable on stage, as Ballet is my favorite part of dancing.

James: so she dances and basically she shows me her world and convinces me to come into her world with her. it's a pretty cool concept.

james: our first duet... it was kind of was based a lot on Izzy's style, and i was trying to make her happy- and it didn't work. and neither did we.

after we got back together, i thought it would be a good idea to fuse ballet, which is my style, and hip-hop, which is his and it was so fun to make and now that we're on stage, dancing it... it works so much better because we're not trying to be something we're not.

in James' suitcase there were confetti and i was looking for them and then threw it in front of me which made the crowd cheer and i was so happy.

James went behind the big art wall to change and now he was wearing matching suit with my dress.

he came out with a flip and when he landed he looked at me and smiled and i jumped into his arms, in our lift position.

James: when i come out, i see Izzy, and u know that with her, i can do anything.

he let go of me and i heard him screaming "iz im gonna do it!" i did one pirouette and then looked at him and he did the twist amazingly.

i was so happy when he came back to me and lift me again, and i felt so safe in his arms.

we went to the back of the stage and leaned on the art wall as the song finished and the whole crowd cheered for us and it was so just comforting.

seeing James do the B twist just puts a huge smile on my face. i'm just so unbelievably proud of him.

we went towards the front of the stage and i took his hand and we bowed to the crowd, happily.

James: Luther said i shouldn't do the B twist until i hear it. but once Izzy told me to do the B twist, i kind of realized that maybe that's the voice telling me to do it. when it comes down to it's the only voice i ever need to hear is Isabel's.

"you did it!" i said softly to him.

"i know that was unreal !" he said happily.

"i'm so proud of you. i've never been more in love with you."

he looked at me in admiration before pulling me in for a kiss but as soon as i heard the crowd cheer, i pulled away from him in embarrassment.

"there's an audience here." he whispered to me.

"yeah..." i said quietly.

the two girls from the other team went on stage and stood next to us.

"and the studio moving on to compete in the female solo round is... The Next Step!" i jumped happily before jumping in James' arms and he lift me in the air with a hug.

i ran off stage into the first arms who welcomed me, Eldon's and i hugged him tightly.

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