Cause for Concern

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At Canterlot Castle, Celestia and Discord had just gotten out of the carriage and began to walk inside. Discord couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He shook his head while his hands were placed on. "Are you alright dear?" Celestia asked as she nuzzled against him. "Ugh... why don't you just leave me alone!?" His voice boomed with rage all of a sudden. Celestia flinched back and looked horrified. "I'm sorry Celestia, I think I just partied to hard? Or something I just feel like being alone right now..." "I understand, I will be here if you need me."

Discord walked in the garden admiring the night sky. But it felt as if something was wrong with the stars itself, Like they weren't in the right places. He began to speak to himself, "Why is this happening? What happened to all my previous goals and ambitions? Why did I accept to go to her home!? And after I had just been released!? This is either the world's best manipulation tactic or something is seriously wrong. And not to mention that my head has been hurting ever since the party. This is super overwhelming."  He began to smile and laugh like a maniac. "If she thinks she can mess with me like that, than she has another thing coming!" 

Celestia was walking the hallway to her chambers when she heard a poof and saw Discord in front of her. "Hello dear-" She was cut off by the sound of him shouting. "You think I don't see what you're doing!? I'm not an idiot! You did something to me I know you did!" Celestia's mouth was agape. She had never expected him to be this angry; But then again they were always mad at each other in the past. "I...I don't understand what you're talking about." Her voice quivered. "Don't play dumb with me Celestia. Don't think I don't know that something is seriously wrong here. When I am around you, I lose all rational thought. I can tell that it's your doing cause it doesn't happen anywhere else!" Tears started to form in his eyes from the anxiety as he grabbed her in a panicked state. "What did you do!?" He had no ill intention upon the touch, but Celestia could see that he wasn't in a good mental state so she was very afraid. It seemed as if this moment would last forever; and with his hands still on her, she began to cry softly. Discord was shocked by her response and it was seen on his face. He let go of her and stepped back as she was frozen and held her head down crying still. "A-are you okay?" He asked concerned. But she didn't respond. "Celestia?" He asked again. She looked up with tears still in her eyes and sniffed. She looked around the room than at her body only to realize that she was unharmed. Why did I think that he would physically harm me? That sure was weird.  "Why were you crying?" She was taken out of her train of thought. "I thought that...I thought that you were going to do something bad when you grabbed me..."  Discord looked at her with his eyes wide open. "Why would I ever do that?" "I don't know."  Discord held his head. "I think it's best for me to be alone tonight." Discord walked away leaving Celestia there alone in the dark. I should just go to bed, our emotions are very unstable right now. Who know how that could've gone?  She thought to herself while walking away.

Little did they know, that Luna had been spying on them with her telescope from her tower across. Once Celestia was finally in her room, Luna looked up from the telescope. "I knew it was going to come to this again." She turned around to go back to her room. I should've done something to help, I just wish I wasn't frozen in fear. I'm going to speak to her about the situation later. I hope she stays safe. Oh! Perhaps I could go into her dreams tonight and see if there really is a reason to be worried. Maybe it's yet another miscommunication." She nodded to herself and began to shift to the dream realm. 

(Authors Note: Hello and sorry for the short chapter, I was busy with life. ;-;  I know it took a long time and it's kind of disappointing because of that. And the wording is atrocious. Lots of he said she said.  I was super tired when I made this. Might edit it another day so the wording is better I'm gonna post this now though since no one think I quit lol. see ya'll soon!)

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