World Changing Reconsideration

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Celestia awoke from her sleep and what she saw made her gasp. Discord was sleeping right next to her! Oh yeah we slept together last night because of that same weird dream. I hope no one sees us walking out of the same room together at this time... or maybe I want them to see us!  She giggled to herself and went to the balcony to commence the raising of the sun. She looked across from her to the neighboring tower and saw her sister Luna who was looking back with the most disgusted look. While she still had a magical grip on the moon she pointed behind Celestia and shook her head. Celestia turned around to see and she blushed profusely while holding on to the sun. Oh no I hope she isn't pointing at what I think she's pointing at...  The sisters  proceeded to lower the moon and raise the sun.

Shortly after, Luna teleported to the front of her door and knocked on it sternly. Discord woke up and realized where he was, and once he heard the knock he hid under the bed. Celestia nervously walked toward the door and opened it by an inch. "Good morning sister! Is there anything I can do for you?" She asked sheepishly. Luna practically threw the door open and ran inside furiously. "Where is he!?" At this point Luna was enraged and had her magic at the ready. Celestia was shaking out of fear, which was strange because they didn't do anything wrong but seeing how angry her sister was scared her anyway. "I-I don't know what your talking about?"  "You are a terrible liar!" Luna said as she was searching the entire room, by this point Discord had already used his magic to leave. Celestia stared at her with tears coming up unable to fully process what was going on. Luna finally looked under the bed to find... nothing. There was nothing there, or anywhere. Celestia looked at her torn up room with her mouth agape and Luna stormed out angrily. "What just happened?" She asked herself with her voice shaking.

Meanwhile in another part of the castle, Discord who would normally be laughing or making jokes about the situation was shocked instead. "This is so  peculiar, why was I there and why did we sleep in the same bed like scared children? Something is definitely not right. It feels as if something is wrong with the universe to allow this to happen." He looked at the sky as he continued to speak to himself, "Why was I not angry with her? I would be angry! It's something I would have felt. So why did I not feel that? Ughh." He facepalmed while pacing around nervously.  Something was wrong with his soul and he could feel it, but wasn't so sure. But than he came to a realization...

With the universes rules changing, the pairs brains began being invaded with thoughts that would allow the progression of her great wish take place. The lord of chaos knew that if the universe were to change without being a pain to him than he would just let the changes take place. Someone out there must have been really passionate about something. Usually these don't affect me but I feel that this might be good. I hope I'm not wrong on this one. All I know is I need to be around Celestia. Hmm now that I think about, her eyes are very beautiful and her voice is so amazing, I wonder how it sounds like when she s- "WOAH!" he exclaimed. He turned to the open door covered in glass and saw his reflection blushing very hard. Well that thought was disturbing but... a part of me seemed to like it. "Maybe I should think about her more, it makes me feel so flustered. Hahaha..." he laughed nervously to himself.

Keep Calm and Shine OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora