Brought Together By A Nightmare

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As she makes her way into her bedroom, she closes the door behind her and walks towards the balcony. "I hope I can make it work this time. This part was almost too easy..." She looks towards the night sky and sees the twinkling stars but something seems off about how they shimmer this time. She uses her magic to summon a book and begins to write in it. I need to plan this out...or maybe this time what I really need to do is not plan at all! Yes that is more of Discord's style, and maybe to be with him we can start by being more alike! I already have a fun side but before I never showed it because I was always trying to be polite and proper for my duties. Well I have dealt with that for thousands of years and this time I'm going to be myself! Yes that does seem like a good idea!  She closed the book and walked to her bed slowly drifting to sleep.

Darkness surrounds the Princess as she awakens. "Where am I?" She calls out only for her words to echo back to her, until she heard faint crying. She lit up her horn and walked over towards the sound and could see a colorful blur. As she walked closer the image seemed to get farther away. But the sounds of tears still remained consistent. She felt as though she needed to find out what had this entity so worried. She didn't know why but getting to it was very important. It was almost as if she could feel what the blur was feeling. She started to tear up and ran faster and faster and right before she reached the sound of sorrow she woke up in a cold sweat. 

She turned over frantically to look at the clock and it said 3 am. Right as Celestia got out of bed there was a small knock on the door. She walked over to open the door and as she did Discord was there fidgeting his hands looking very uncomfortable. "Discord? W-What are you doing here at this time?" She asked him tiredly. "I just had a very bad nightmare but it felt as if it were more of-" "A vision of great importance?" She interrupted him. He looked at her with his eyes wide open in shock. "Yes, how did you know?" "I had the same dream..." There was a long silence before the Princess spoke up. "Would you like to come in?" She asked with nervousness in her voice. Discord was to nervous to speak so he nodded and walked in. They both sat down on her bed looking away. "Would you like to sleep here with me to help ease your nerves? I understand if that is too strange to ask and if you want to be alone." What she said did help take his mind off of it. He looked at her with a large blush. "Uh um sure!" What might have been an unthinking response to an unexpected question, It was a genuine response that he truly meant. After a dream as scary as that, who would want to be alone? Celestia layed back down on her bed and moved over to one side leaving an empty spot. Discord climbed in and once he processed what was going on he snapped out of thinking of the dream. Woah woah woah! What is happening and why did I agree to it? I am in the same bed as my worst enemy all over a stupid dream? And why did I come crawling here after a nightmare like some child? And why didn't I just go to her sister Luna? She's the dream expert!  Little did he know that as he was thinking, Celestia had already fallen back asleep. She turned over facing him and gave him a cuddle in her sleep which caused him to really freak out internally. He tried poking her but she just held him tighter and smiled in her sleep. It seems there was no escape from the very comfortable shackles. Discord accepted his defeat and tried to see how it would feel like if he did the same back. He closed his eyes and for some strange reason, felt warmth in his heart. This is so out of character for me yet, it feels like something I always wanted... He thought as he drifted off to sleep with her. If anyone where in that room, they would have thought that the sleeping Gods have been together for an eternity. 

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