Chapter 23- That Day

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"We should get going." Javier said as he watched Eli and Aurum finally embrace each other.

"We don't really have a home to return to anymore." Javier smiled sadly at that and reached out his arm in hopes that his husband would join their hands together.

Eli secured his grip on Aurum before nodding towards Javier signaling that he was ready to go. Javier returned the action before teleporting them to their new home.

Their new home was apparently a mansion and Eli would've been lying if he said he wasn't just a tad bit impressed.

It was much too large for just their family of three but he wouldn't complain, it was better to have excess than to have nothing at all, those were words his mother had said to him on occasion.

The foyer held dual staircases that spiraled in opposite directions lead up to the main entrance of the mansion. It was built with stone similar to marble for the floor and coloumns that Eli could only describe as Corinthian.

The white and dull grays of the mansion held up a deep blue roof and Eli noted the colour was similar to that of his husband's eyes.

"Milords." Eli hadn't notice the elder man who was obviously a butler earlier and quickly shifted his gaze to him. "Good evening, I am Hannibal and I've been the head butler for the household for a few decades."

Eli exchanged pleasantries with the butler taking in his appearance. He appeared to be in his 60s but with how mages age he was probably over 2 centuries old.

"Come along this way." Javier began to pull Eli lightly in the direction of the house who then pulled the gaping Aurum along with him as well.

They entered their new home with faces of wonder and awe when they saw the interior and Javier felt a little bit happier knowing they didn't hate it. He had mentioned the mansion to Eli before and they were planning to move into it after their graduation but he had never actually seen it until now.

"Your rooms are prepared and are located on the third floor, Master Javier knows where however if you need any assistance at all don't hesitate to call me out. I shall go prepare some celebratory snacks." He said before walking down a corridor and disappearing from view.

At the sound of snacks Aurum perked up a little bit and Eli resisted the urge to smile. Aurum hadn't spoken a word since they had gotten him out and it was understandable after what they had done to him.

What Eli had done to him. Eli was surprised Aurum was still clinging to him.

"What's the celebration?" Eli questioned as he followed behind Javier with Aurum in toe and they reached another beautiful area in the mansion reminiscent of a living room.

"Perhaps your official induction into the family. This is the sitting room." Javier finished gesturing to the room white filled with soft blue colours. Eli noted the furniture in the room where mostly a dull grey accompanied by some accessories that were deep blue and he wondered just who had designed the place.

Javier made his way to the large grey couch housing deep blue cushions and threw himself into it with a loud sigh. He knew what was coming and it was draining him already.

Eli stared at him for a bit feeling slightly awkward before moving to the couch to sit as well. Aurum however took that as his signal to detach himself from Eli and went over to sit in an adjacent chair.

That in turn made Eli sigh as well and the tension filled the room as Aurum busied himself with his reflection on the clear ground.

"Aurum can you look at us?" Eli pleaded but all he got was a sound of disinterest as the red headed dragon tilted his head downwards even more.

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