Chapter 10- Ambush

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Eli sent them back, one by one, certain to send Ethan before X2 so he could watch him. He continued until it was just him, Aurum and Tact reaming in the realm.

"I need to speak with you. Privately." Tact said as he stared at Eli. Aurum knew what that meant and he felt his heart beat kick up at the thought.

"Aurum calm down. I'll be right behind you, just stay close to Ethan okay." Eli said as he clasped his dragon's hands in his before tipping to plant a kiss on his forehead.

"Okay Pa."

Aurum too left from the realm.

"I probably should've mentioned this earlier. You can't bring anyone else in here, unless it's Aurum."

"What? Why?"

"Because Eli, this realm is located in your subconscious where I reside, it's where I'm most vulnerable, no its where we're most vulnerable. While we can control what goes on in here, if we were to become harmed in this space the consequences would be dire."

"Okay. I understand." Tact pressed a hand lightly to Eli's shoulder as he stared into his eyes.

"You'll be fine, he's alive. I can feel him and you can too." He said as he slipped his hand from his chest towards his heart making the corners of Eli's mouth twitch upwards.

"You're not so bad when you're not arguing with me, or hitting me." Tact smirked before kicking Eli out of the realm as well.

Eli blinked his eyes to see Aurum's frantic gold ones staring right at him.

"Pa!" Eli felt the presence behind him and instantly sent a rush of magicules out of his body blasting away whoever was behind him.

He spun around to see a man in familiar black armor being blown away and his flaming sword falling from his hand to the floor.

Before he had time to think multiple enemies all started flooding inside of the room. He could barely just see Aurum's head above the crowd.

"Give up. We have you surrounded and outnumbered."

Eli glanced around, spotting atleast 20 enemies, and they had separated him from Aurum.

"Fine." The soldiers started to approach them when Eli raised his hands in the air and he felt the panic that ran through Aurum at his words.

Aurum. Get down on 3.





Aurum flung himself to the floor just in the nick of time to avoid the electrical current that surged from Eli's hands in a circular manner catching most of the soldiers off-guard.

Some however had thrown up shields to defend and were beginning to close in.

"Aurum!" Eli called as he stretched his hand towards the boy dragon and teleported them instantly away from the threat.

They ended up in the town, the safest place Eli could think of, the public.

However it wasn't as safe as Eli thought as people pushed past him and Aurum screaming and running. That's when the familiar scent of smoke wafted through the air and Eli could spot a fire in the distance by the academy.

"Where did Ethan and Zeke go?" Eli let out a frustrated growl when yet another person bumped into him as he clutched Aurum's hand as he led them down the street.

"I'm don't know. By the time I reached back I heard Ethan chasing X2 and before I got the chance to run after them the soldiers showed up."

This wouldn't work. They were too exposed, and Aurum stood out too much. His height and blood red hair made him especially easy to spot.

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