Chapter 9- X2

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"Aurum." The door opened immediately with Aurum staring on his not-dad on the floor with tears and snot all over his face with his actual dad pinning him to the floor.

"Go get Ethan and Zeke. We have some interrogating to do." Aurum was about to leave but X2 stopped him.

"Please don't leave me with him! Please!" Aurum hesitated. It was still his dad's face and voice that was pleading for him so it still made him feel a bit reluctant, if that made any sense.

"Aurum." Eli warned and turned to point his pitch black eyes at the dragon who scurried off to find his Uncles. "Be careful." Eli called out behind him.

"Now where were we?"

"Please, I've told you everything I know."

"Then why don't I believe that?" Eli finally released the man's arm and allowed him to sit up and clutch at his broken one. Eli would test if the man was indeed telling the truth about having no magic. "Need some ice?"

"Yes, that would b-" Extoo gulped when he saw the blades of ice that were circling his body, ready to impale him at any moment. "I'm cool- I mean fine."

"Good." Eli lowered his guard a bit. Any mage in his position would've surely teleported or defended themself.

"Eli!" Ethan and Zeke both called out but Eli didn't break eye contact with X2. There was something off about his face and it wasn't the mole under his ear that Javier didn't have.

It was more... smooth? Well, now that Eli looked closely. His skin was a bit lighter than Javier's and he wasn't as muscular, but he definitely could pass for him to anyone who'd never had the chance to study every inch of Javier's body.

"We have a problem."

"We do?" It was X2 that asked and his flinched when all the eyes moved from Eli's calm exterior to him. "Oh... we do."

Eli sent a small bolt of electricity to the man that sent his head flying back into the wall, rendering him unconcious.

"Was that necessary?" Zeke asked going over to inspect the look-alike.

"Perhaps not, but I'd rather him not know where we're taking him."

"Taking him?"

"We can't let him stay in here. Plus whoever sent him, might come looking for him. And if that happens to be the Fidem and we're outnumbered what do we do? Not to mention my husband is missing."

Eli was trying his best to ignore the fact that Javier was missing. He had to keep his head on straight in the moment. He felt his heart ache at the thought of Javier being in pain, he couldn't even bring himself to think the worst.

"We're not sure if he is-"

"I'm sure. He would've been back by now, atleast to check on us Aurum. You know him. Something is wrong and him being here makes me feel like I won't be seeing the real thing anytime soon."

Eli's voice fell flat when he was speaking. Monotonous, empty. It reminded Ethan of how he was when Aurum was taken, he would have to talk to him alone if they got the chance.

"Where do we take him then?" Eli only sighed in response and in an instant the group disappeared from the apartment.


"Your husband's sharp." Alaric said as he removed the gag from Javier's mouth, his eyes trained on Javier's tied form.

Javier didn't say anything. He had nothing to say. Eli was safe, he wouldn't get fooled by some cheap illusion.

"It's not an illusion and he hasn't been physically altered either, if that's what you're thinking, he really looks just like you." Alaric was smiling now as he sat criss-cross away from the man bounded before him.

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