Chapter 51 - Peruse

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Then, as he was staring into the darkness of his consciousness, it hit him; while it might have been one of the worst times of Mewtwo's life, it was absolutely the most impactful on his character.

The abuse from Giovanni.

Goh felt terrible from the guilt that began to consume him as he tried his best to remember all the evil things Giovanni had put Mewtwo through, but remembering what Mewtwo was about to do to the entire world allowed him to push through, envisioning everything about the continuous torture that Giovanni had forced.

He opened his eyes.

Looking around, Goh saw the tunneling hallways of a laboratory. Dozens of scientists and Team Rocket grunts were walking around, all working on their own assigned projects. It quickly dawned on Goh that he was currently inside the lab right near Viridian City where Giovanni held Mewtwo before it was destroyed hours ago.

He looked down and saw restraints holding down his entire body, which was a pale pinkish color; he was looking through the eyes of Mewtwo, something he didn't think was entirely possible.

"The boss said to take it to him in the dark room," a raspy voice stated to his right. Looking over, he saw what he assumed to be a lowly grunt, simply following orders. "So I gotta get through." He was speaking to a guard who was blocking a high-security door; Goh connected the dots and realized Mewtwo was being wheeled into the dark room that he and Ash had visited years ago when Olympia's Meowstic had teleported them to her.

"Hmph. Alright," The guard responded simply, pulling out a keycard and swiping it through a scanner near the door. A beep was heard, and the grunt began pushing Mewtwo into a dark space; the dark room where Mewtwo had been kept.

"Leave it near the front."

The voice was commanding from beyond the light, yet there was a hint of roughness to it. Goh instantly recognized who it was; he had heard it too much all those years ago during the huge fight at Ninja Village and Ash's home. As the grunt muttered something and walked out, Goh realized that Giovanni was now in the room alone with Mewtwo.

It was silent and dark, and to Goh, it was terrifying. He wasn't sure if the terror was him feeling it or Mewtwo feeling it at the time, but Giovanni's presence in this environment certainly was instilling fear. A few steps were heard, and Goh saw the figure of evil approaching slowly.

"It took me years to find you again," The head of Team Rocket stated smoothly. "After that Ketchum guy tried to take down my organization with his news reporting agency, I couldn't make my efforts too public, lest the officers attempted to subdue me." As he spoke, Goh could feel his breath against Mewtwo's skin, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Not to mention the boy that he had. Learned about my efforts to snatch you again and got in my way," he added evilly. "That little bitch. Cost me millions of dollars and years of my time." He clenched his fist and stared off at the blank wall as if he was staring at something not even Mewtwo could see.

"But now, you're here with me. Now, I can use you with the Zygarde cells to achieve what I deserve," he said, turning back to Mewtwo. "Now, I can be as powerful as I want." He reached out to the helmet that sat upon Mewtwo's head and flipped a switch, sending electrical signals down its entire body.

Goh couldn't feel the pain that Mewtwo had felt at the time, but the amount of struggling as its entire body was shocked was enough for him to understand how awfully painful it must have been. Giovanni really is an awful man, Goh thought to himself as he watched him snicker at Mewtwo's painful spasms.

"Doesn't feel too good, huh?" He asked sarcastically, maniacally chuckling. "Now, let's see if we can't push this thing to hurt you even more." He reached out to the helmet again with the intention to increase the electricity coursing through Mewtwo's body. However, right before he did so, Goh felt an incredible tremor.

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