8: Altercations pt:2

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No one pov:

War raged on as the Republic fleet led by Jedi masters Kit First and Luminara Unduli battled against the Separatist fleet led by non other than general Grievous himself the battle was long and vigorous wih the republic soon coming to victory as Grievous had fled upon orders.
Once the ship was taken over and the droids were delt with a group of clones were left behind to hack into the mainframe to plant any plans recorded on it while the jedi would take the rest of the unite down to the surface of the planet.

As their plan unfolded the two jedi masters turned to eachother feeling the heavy and ominous dark presence that shrouded the planet

Fisto:"I felt this feeling once before"

Luminara:"on Geonosis....its him isn't it?"

Fisto:"I'm afraid so,Dooku's appearance is here...and it seems as if he's gotten stronger"

Dispite not showing it there was a bit of worry in the jedi master's tone as he remembered the events of Geonosis as if it were just hours ago so many jedi died to a child trained in the dark arts most of them being masters like himself,pushing the uneasy feeling away he remembers that they too have vrkwn since that day and if the remember their training over that time they would be just alright.
The thought alone brought a smile to Kit's face,seeing him smile away his worries was enough to make Luminara smile softly herself as they prepared themselves for what was to come.

Vengeance pov:

I sat on the Neo elder's chair it was something like a throne that we found in his hut but the looks of it he'd just sit here and meditate giving with his force sensitivity,it sickened me how peaceful one race can be and form the start I doubted our success in getting them to join us and to say the least I was correct in my judgment as we are now resorting to what good ol' Geno calls "Plan B"

Vengeance:"remind me again why we aren't relying on the force brother?"

Geno:"for the last time do not call me brother!...besides these people are strong willed dare I say more so than the jedi,I cant probe their minds"

I looked him in the helmet,dispite not being able to see his facial expression I could sense something's bothering him

Vengeance:"what's wrong with you?"


He snapped as he fiddled with a device attached to his wrist

Vengeance:(ugh! Mandalorians)

I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes I felt some worry for him but knowing how stubborn he tentlds to be I left it to him to do his own thing all we could do now was wait for when the republic show up.


Genocide pov:

Hours had passed as I began to get impatient Vengeance sat there somewhat calm wich continued further piss me off

Geno:"why are you so calm!"

Vengeance:"why are you so anxious,its not like we haven't done this before"

Geno:"I'm tired of being patient"

Vengeance:"just wait a little longer,I can sense the jedi close by"

I froze and smiled,once I calmed down I too was able to sense it as well the jedi were racing here at high speed they'll be here in five minutes,my smile grew as I looked towards the door to this stupid hut soon I'll be able to spill some more blood.

No one pov:

The time passed just as the young sith had predicted within fire minutes the jedi arrived at the source of the dark presence they felt,being near it was enough to scare them but pushing their fears away they equipped their weapons commanding the clones to stay back as they rushed inside.
Upon reaching inside they're met face to face with them two sith lords bathed in the darkness of the room for it only to be illuminated by piercing crimson red blades

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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