3:A destined meet

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*Four months later*

No one pov:

It's been four months since high master Sidious took you on as his personal apprentice his training was truly what lesser beings would describe as torture but you refused to let him break you and so for four months you continued to survive as you focused your thoughts on one day surpassing him and having your final fight with Skywalker no matter what!

Your pov:

I entered my quarters and collapsed onto my bed,my body ached after four months of grewling training hours and hours went into my skill with a blade as well as my understanding of the dark side,but I knew that it was all worth it ever since the first week I felt my abilities ho up I could sense thing no other member of the order could it was as if I'd become more closer to the force then I ever was before.
Before I could close my eyes for a short rest I was quickly woken up by the sound of a communicator going off,I pulled it towards me stood up and then went onto my knees accepting the transmission

Sidious:"lord Genocide"

Genocide:"master,what is your bidding?"

Sidious:"remain calm my boy,I have come to bring you great news in the form of a test to your current level of power"

Genocide:"a test?"

Sidious:"yes,it appears that Jabba the Hutt have employed the services of the jedi in hopes of finding his lost child in exchange for completing this mission free use of hutt space"

Genocide:"so you expect me to find a child before the jedi do?"

Sidious:"not find the child,but insure that it's dead and blame the jedi for the trulh unfortunate loss"

He said with a wicked smile I understood what he wanted but I still didnt want to play baby killer without a challenge and I could tell he knew this

Sidious:"I sense you conviction,your thirst for blood will not be satisfied so easily wich is why km happy to inform you that Skywalker and his new padawan will be the jedi on this recovery mission"

Immediately my attention was recaptured by him and I fully understood what he meant when he said this was a test I could nearly contain my excitement and did he say a padawan?
Only four months and he's now a knight with a student?
This chosen child of the force will be the greatest rival I'll ever have I will be sure to crush him and his order.

Genocide:"your wish is my command master,I will not fail you"

Sidious:"I have the upmost faith in you Genocide"

The communication ends and I no longer felt tired my bloodlust and excitement coursed through my veins as I stood to my feet and immediately left my quarters.


No one pov:

You arrived on Tatooine,your master had told you that he would arrange a meeting with you and Jabba the hutt in order to convince him that the jedi weren't on his side,you'd much prefer to hunt down Skywalker and kill the slugs brat but you dare not defy Sidious' orders.
Upon arriving at the palace your path was blocked by Gamorrean guards

Guard 1:"u are nopa chowbaso outsider!"
*you are not welcome outisder*

You simply stared him down and he began choking the other guard attempted to attack but started coughing up smoke you watch in amusement as you suffocated the first guard and then burnt the other from the inside before entering through the palace doors

Genocide:"blasted pigs"

You mumbled as you walk down th hall way to find the hutt sitting upon his throne with his lackies enjoying themselves to his three twi'lek dancers

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