6:*no title name*

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No one pov:

The two sith followed behind the young Neo girl,she was happy to expose them to her people's cultures and food as wel and giving a quick explanation of their religion and beliefs the two could be any less interested of the people but staying committed to their roles they pretented to want more insight of the strange people.

*hours later*

It was late and you along with Vengeance sat around a large fire with Lu'me and other Neo who lived in her village

Geno:"is this something you do all the time?"

Lu'me:"no,these night gatherings are sacred and are rare,I've never see a fire this big so it must be important"


Lu'me:"yeah,dont you have sacred gatherings too Krayt?"

Vengeance:"...our gatherings are different sometimes they're similar but you should know right Revan?"

Geno:"precisely...our gathers are rare because we tend not to like eachother"

Lu'me:"that's quite sad no?"

Geno:"our people are different form yours"

She smiled wich intrigued the two sith

Lu'me:"well one day I hope the Neo way could help your family be closer"



The trio remained quiet as the fire burned brighter the two senses the force flowing through it it was the strongest thing with the connection to it that they could sense until a slightly older man with a large stick came walking near his eyes were yellow but dispite and his hair long his body was covered in the yellow marking and dispite looking the oldest he also loked like the strongest.
The villager around the fire bowed down,playing along the two sith did as well as the man raised his hand with a gentle smile

Elder:"welcome too all,I have called yoh here tonight because it is apparent that we have visitors"

He said as he gestured to the two as everyone lokked at them

Elder:"but remain alert visitors,I sense a great evil upon our home one that clerks in the shadows and hides from my ability to seek it out"

Upon hearing him say this the two were convinced that he was the strongest force wilder of the Neo people simply becuse he could sense their force presence if it wernt for them suppressing it nodding they sat back down and watched as they all gathered closer to the fire

Elder:"come children,it would be unwise to house new friends with evil lerking in the shadows,let us combine our efforts and hopefully get a clearer image of who we seek"

They all joined hands in a circle around the fire,upon closing their eyes the fire bursts getting stronger

Elder:"what do you see children?"

Neo male:"I...I see darkness,its everywhere"

Neo female:"in the darkness are two red auras...but I cant see past it"

Lu'me:"I...I see past the aura....its two figures that I cant make out....they look like shadows?"

The two sith seemd a little worried and further suppressed themselves wich lead to the fire fizzling out and the people looking very upset

Lu'me:"I'm sorry elder,I was so close"

Elder:"it is ok child,we can try ahakm tomorrow but now,let us not dwell after all our new friends must surely be hungry right?"

He gestured to the two who both nodded in unison bringing a smile to his face

Elder:"then let the feast begin!"

With everyone cheering the fire was reignighted and a large feast was being prepared with quick succession

Your pov:

I watched as they prepared their feast in honor of us but I couldn't get my mind off of how close they came to detecting us....if we're going to need their help well have to gain their trust first....we might be here longer than we'd like....the general better not screw up his part for at the moment his character is non playable.


Still your pov:

It's late,at this time the fire was bearly crackling and majority of the Meo were asleep in their homes or helping to clean up after the feast,one of the helpers was Lu'me in fact....seeing as I had nothing else to do I decided to talk to her

Geno:"hey,do you need help?"

Lu'me:"no I can manage,but I think your brother needs it"

She points to Vengeance who is currently slumped over still bearly grasping a cup that possibly empty now,I only chuckle as he was never much of a drinker and would get sloshed easily...who knew this place had such strong alcohol.

Geno:"my brother will be fine,he just needs to sleep it off"

Lu'me:"oh,ok then....umm domt mind me asking but why do you both wear helmets?"

Geno:"my brother thinks his face is disgusting as for me....well its apart of my culture"

Lu'me:"so hiding yourself is your culture?"

Geno:"no,not hiding....more like taking on a mantle"

Lu'me:"hmm,I think I understand...but it's a shame I was hoping to get to know the face of a friend"

She said to me before walking off and going back to helping the rest of the clean up,I stood there for a while before I turned to the slumped over Vengence a small smile grew on my face as I walked over to him

Geno:"c'mon dumbass,let's go"

Vengeance:"huuuuh!? Uuuuh!?"

Geno:"I know your head hurts,that's what you get for drinking to much"


Geno:"shh,its ok I got you"

He slumped over and almost fell making it a hassle to carry him so I summoned what little of the force I could safely call upon without being detected to help me carry him back to our ship.
Upon arrival I quite literally threw him into his room with him being sloshed he ddint feel a thing and proceeded to fall asleep like a fool.
Once done with him I headed to the main area of the ship where I turned on the communicator to see the general

Grievous:"Lord *cough* Genocide"

He said bowing slightly

Geno:"listen up general,change of plans,we might be on Neo for a while lo ger that we wanted"

Grievous:"any reason*cough cough* why the sudden change?"

Geno:"the sith survived by adapting to their surroundings,if we want to survive here well need their trust but for now form a blockade make sure no one leaves or enters understand?"

Grievous:"*cough*yes my lord"

Geno:"also,do something about that cough its annoying"

With that I turned off the communication and headed to my quarters where I simply just land straight on the ground to tires to care if I was in the bed or not,tomorrow is another day...I'll try my best to get them to sympathize with us as much as possible...until then...

Well just have to play nice.

To be continued....

Sorry it took a while hope you enjoyed see ya next time!

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