5:Planet Neo

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Genocide pov:

Today was a rather slow yet annoying day,I was forced on a mission with the stupid droid general as well as another annoyance that somehow managed to prove he was much more annoying Darth Vengeance we were both brought into the order around the same time,we've taken the same classes gone through the same training...yet he thinks he's better than me if it wasnt for the rule of our brotherhood I would have killed him for the scar but it dosent matter after all...the one I gave him was worse.


Genocide:"...what is it you rusted bucket of bolts"

Grievous:"I'd watch your tounge if I were you,I'm still the one in charge of this operation"

Genocide:"and I'm still capable of turning what's left of your flesh into ash...now spit it out!"

Grievous stayed quiet for a moment seemingly afraid,my patience was wearing thin at least he isn't here to further disrupt my thinking

??:"well well if it isnt good 'ol Geno....long time no see huh brother?"

So much for that

Genocide:"its Genpcide,Vengence and no not a pleasant surprise"

I said towards a man around my height whoe wore a helmet that both covered his face and distort his voice...but I already know the ugly face underneath it.

Vengeance:"so mean spirited,has it really been that long ago brother?"

Genocide:"I am not your brother! if it wasn't for that stupid rule of brotherhood I would've killed you years back!"

Dispite his face being covered I could still sense his smiled as he looked at me,I sighed as I didnt feel like dealing with this anymore amso I refocused my attention back onto Grievous while still making sure to have my senses open just incase he tried something

Genocide:"you! droid,speak before I kill and replace you"

Grievous:"uhh...a-as I was saying,it isnt long before we reach our destination"

Genocide:"which is?"

Grievous:"a planet called Neo,I hear that lord Sidious is interested in their people"

I rolled my eyes,ofcourse that old man would be interested in more power than he already has but the only question was why send me with Vengeance and the stupid droid general does he not have faith in my combat abilities?
I sighed and leaned back in my seat if I was to be forced one mission with people I dispise of,then I'll do what the hell I want.


No one pov:

The trio landed arrived to the planet Neo where they were contacted by Sidious

Sidious:"the plan is simple,I want you to convince the people of Neo to join our cause"

Genocide:"that's it?"

Sidious:"you seem disappointed lord Genocide"

*I'll just type Geno for now*

Geno:"that is because I am not a politician,I am a warrior"

Sidious:"precisely why I insisted Vegence go with you,after all we are here to make a deal not shed blood"

Geno grit his teeth,his annoyance could be sensed as he disnrt like having his time wasted at this point Vengeance stepped in and spoke up

Vengeance:"I will so what j must high master,the Neo will join us"

Sidious:"good,good you may leave"

He nods and leaves followed closely by Grievous,Genocide was about to leave as well but was stopped by Sidious calling out to him

Sidious:"one more thing my apprentice"


Sidious:"the Neo posses a unlike healing ability some say that can enev revive the dead...if this is true they could pose a great threat to us should they turn to the Republic"

Geno:"you want me to do anything about it?"

Sidious:"if all else fails....wipe them out....all of them"

Geno:"yes master"

The communication ends and Genocide met up with the other two,he remained quiet as the Grievous and Vengeance discussed their plan.

With everything in motion they set off to the planet's surface,Genocide and Vengeance would so the negotiating while Grievous would blockade the planet and keep anyone from entering or leaving.

*another timeskip*

Your pov:

We both walked through a large village the people stared at us wich annoyed me a bit based on what he said it sounded like they had a connection to the force if its true could they sense us?
With this in mind I began thinking of a plan that might come in handy.

Vengeance:"what's going on in that head of yours brother?"

Geno:"stop calling me that...and mind your own business"

Vengeance:"well as long as it pertains to the mission, it is my business"

I rolled my eyes,I hated him to his core ever since we nothing but acolytes,he refused to understand who was truly incharge here I was gifted while he was nothing but a scrub with very little talent just because I spared him a few times he thinks he can take me on it pisses me off!
Without paying attention I bumped into someone it was a little girl slightly shorter than me she was a Neo,she hand grey skin and braided white hair with yellow markings on her face and pointy ears,her eyes were a crystal blue and her features were very pronounced she's adolescent for someone her size

Girl:"oh,I'm sorry mr"

Geno:"forgive me miss,I was not paying mind to my surroundings"

I said calmly the modulator in the helmet deepened my voice wich seemed to amuse her

Girl:"you sound funny,you aren't from here are you?"

Vengeance:"what gave us away?"

He butted in catching jer attention she giggled at his voice too wich sou ded like a came through a communicator rather tha actually change it like mine did

Girl:"well first off,you wear such strange clothes and second I canr seem to link with you unlike people from Neo"


Girl:"yes,our people share one ability,the power to link our minds and feel eachother feelings,some can manifest this power into other things such as lifting heavy objects without the use of machinery but it's very stressful and takes long to master"

Geno:"I see"

I was right,they do have a connection to the force,but the way in wich she described they seem to have a very weak connection but it's enough to spawn this healing ability.
I looked towards Vegences as we created our own mental link to talk more privately

Vengeance:*so what's the plan?*

Geno:*they seem to be rather weak with the force but we should mask our presence just to be sure*

Vengeance:*and then what?*

Geno:*we play the game*

I said smiling behind my helmet,he nods and we quickly cute the connection and turned back to the girl

Geno:"thank you for such a I terestjng story young one"

Lu'me:"I'll have you know I'm 15 and my name is Lu'me"

Geno:"forgive me miss Lu'me,I am Revan and the fool behind me is Krayt,we are ambassadors to the Seperatis alliance and we've come to ask of your people's help"

Vengeance looked at me with confusion but my glare convinced him to play along,Lu'me giggled again stating our names were a little funny to her but she smiled as she turned around and asked us to follow

Lu'me:"nice to meet yoh both,come with me I shall show you our village before taking you to the elder to ask your request"

She said as she gestured for us to follow,we both looked eachother one last time and nodded following her.

To be continued....
Hope you all enjoyed,sorry it took a while to update.

The Sith Of Mandalor(Ahsoka Tano x sith!malereader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें