twenty or so." There were only ten chaoshou, Song Xiang had the nerve to collect the money, and directly gave the remaining twenty chaoshou in the basket that had not been put into the freezer to Grandma Fang, "You don't need to pay, you can take all these grandma Fang "

    Grandma Fang is very kind to Song Xiang on weekdays, much more friendly to her than Uncle Song and the others, so Song Xiang didn't ask her for money.

    Grandma Fang took the basket with a smile, "Why are you so embarrassed?"

    Song Xiang smiled with a low eyebrow, "It's okay, you can take it."

    "Then I'll take it back and put it away, and return your basket later." Grandma Fang He returned home with Chaoshou, and came back ten minutes later. When he came back, he brought Song Xiang a handful of cherries and a piece of watermelon as wide as his palm, "My son brought them back to me when they came home to sweep the grave yesterday. You can’t finish eating with your grandpa Fang, so you can take some to eat.”

    Song Xiang hurriedly said no: “You guys keep it for yourself.”

    “There are still plenty at home, and I took your chaoshou, and it’s just right for you to take my fruit "Grandma Fang smiled and asked Song Xiang not to be polite, "When your grandma was around, we would try to change it."

    Song Xiang didn't refuse after hearing what Grandma Fang said, and took all the fruits down.

    After thanking Grandma Fang, Song Xiang took the cherries and soaked them in salt water for a while, soaked all the bugs hidden in them before eating, and was careful when eating, for fear of biting bugs.

    Don't blame her for being cautious, it's because Zhou Tian and the others often post too many videos about bugs in the "dry rice group" recently. Although the surface of the cherries is smooth and clean without bug eyes, there are actually many bugs inside.

    This year the weather warmed up very early, and the cherries ripened early, but no one in the town sold cherries, so this was the first time Song Xiang ate cherries this year. The color is bright red, sweet and sour, and it should be a good variety in the orchard. It doesn't taste as sour as the cherries in the farm.

    Song Xiang's luck was pretty good, and he didn't get any bugs after eating the cherries.

    After eating the cherry pulp, Song Xiang kept the core of the fruit, and planted it on the small hill where the cherry trees were planted in the future town.

    Because there are a lot of places to spend money, and you need to buy a lot of planting. Song Xiang now eats fruits and spits out seeds to be planted. When he sees fruit tree seedlings on the roadside outside, he will dig them up and plant them in the future town. I tried my best to get some free saplings in.

    After planting dozens of cherries, Song Xiang bought some watermelon seeds from the Internet. This is what she only thought of when she saw the watermelon sent by Grandma Fang just now.

    She has been working hard to plant fruit trees in the small city in the future, just to sell the fruit in the future, but it will take a long time for the fruit trees to grow, so the annual fruit like watermelon is the most suitable.

    Moreover, watermelons have high yields, sufficient water content, and are heavy in weight. They are the most cost-effective to sell. The most important thing is that watermelons are resistant to drought and humidity, so they are very suitable for planting in small cities in the future.

    Song Xiang selected several varieties of watermelon seeds, including seedless watermelon, seeded watermelon, large black-skinned watermelon, and petite and crispy watermelon that is suitable for one person to eat.

    After buying watermelon, Song Xiangxiang opened up a trick and bought annual strawberries and cantaloupe.

    I bought one or two packs of seeds for each kind, but I didn’t buy too many. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to plant them myself. After all, these fruits need to be carefully cared for, unlike cabbage, which can survive by sprinkling some water casually.

    The seeds were delivered quickly. Song Xiang planted watermelons and strawberries according to the planting requirements. The seedling stage required a lower temperature, so she directly lowered the temperature through the defense net and kept it in a warm spring mode of about 20 degrees.

    It was not adjusted before because of insufficient energy. After upgrading the defense network, the energy conversion equipment was replaced again, and there is a steady stream of energy to provide it, so you will not worry about any problems if you turn on the warm spring mode at any time.

    The warm spring mode is neither hot nor cold, and the vegetables and plants grown grow faster, which makes Song Xiang feel much more comfortable. The only disadvantage is that plants like cucumbers that enter the full fruiting period will mature if the weather is not hot enough. Slow down a little bit, but it's only a short ten days, just wait for half a month and then adjust back.

    It took two days for Song Xiang to plant all the annual fruits he bought, and the new cabbage in the vegetable field was ready for sale again.

    The quantity sold this time doubled to a thousand catties, but the result was the same as last time, and it was quickly robbed.

    Listening to the ding-ding-dong-dong sound of placing an order in the backstage, Song Xiang smiled, and got rich and got rich!

I was tied up by the system to farmHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin