Yes, I'm alive, here's an update

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So where do I begin?

Lots has happened since I last wrote.

- My dad has started calling me grasshopper.

Whenever I'm doing anything, he says, "you have much to learn, grasshopper."

So I now call my dad cockroach.

- I watched Wednesday. It was amazing and I would 10/10 recommend it.

- I came up with a song inspired by my work (Hungry Jack's) and an employee who's last name is Macdonald:

Old Macdonald had a farm

On that farm he had a Hungry Jack's

With lots of loyal and hardworking employees

He sold beef, chicken and vegan burgers

Onion rings, fries, nuggets and pop'n chicken

Café drinks, soft drinks and frozen drinks

With or without bursties

Sundaes, storms and shakes

He was so obsessed with McDonalds

He ate it for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks

He even shat McDonalds

Because it was in his DNA and genes

soooo yea, i'm weird, i know.

- I celebrated Christmas with my family which was really fun

- I will be visiting my mum's parents tomorrow and I'll get to see their new dog!! His name is Banjo but I keep forgetting what it is and calling him Bongo.

- My mum is getting a new car soon

- I got a polaroid camera for Christmas and OMG I LOVE IT

- I'm sad that Bill and Ted don't exist in real life because let's be honest, they'd make my high school days more enjoyable

- I watched a movie where the main characters name is Gaylord Focker (LMAOOO) and his wife's name is Pam Martha Focker (get it??) yea i need help

but ya thats basically all soo

until next time amigos :)

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