Christmas In July (2022)

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So last week my best friend, Tanaya, came for a sleepover on a Friday night because the next day we had a Christmas In July celebration at my grandmother's house.

When Tanaya arrived, she gave me a Grogu (Baby Yoda) Bop It. 

That Bop It led to a war between me and my dad over the last week. I got a high score of 21, then he got a high score of 52, then I got a high score of 56, then he got a high score of 61, then I got a high score of 68, then he got a high score of 71, then 86. I then attempted it today and got a score of 100, which is the highest score you can get. Once you get to 100, it says, 'You beat Bop It! High score, 100.'

So anyway, we gave Tanaya her gifts and then we taught her how to ride a bike.

Because there was a bike on the footpath, my grandmother took it home, and gave it to us. We decided Tanaya could have it.

Tanaya did well for her first ever time riding a bike. Me and my dad were on both sides of the bike though, just making sure she didn't fall off.

We then had tacos for dinner but Tanaya just snacked on carrots because she had a late lunch.

We then watched a movie and ate carrot cake.

The next day, we got ready to head down and I was excited.

We got down there and I grabbed a container of popcorn, before promptly spilling it all over the couch and floor.

My uncle and Tanaya were both eating popcorn off the floor. They said the hairs added a nice taste.

Then we went down to the backyard and had a Nerf war!

Bruce, my grandmother's ex-boyfriend, was holding a rake for defense.

I was reloading a lot of guns. 

But then I went up to the sniper point, which was a ladder behind a tree. I hit a few people.

Overall, the Nerf war was fun.

But I think my uncle got the worst of it, because he got shot in the nuts several times.

And then once we got home I pranked Tanaya's dad by sending him random stuff from her phone. 

Overall, it was a fun day and Tanaya and I had lots of fun. 

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