Double Trouble 💙

Start from the beginning

"You wouldn't..." Leo narrows his eyes dangerously, backing away slightly against his chair.

"Oh, I would." N/n smirks at him, dangling the filter in her hand.

Leo slowly inchis his hands for the melon and N/n narrows her eyes further. "Leonardo Hamato." Her voice is stern. "Don't make me do this." She readies her hand for a throw.
Donnie's eyes are flicking back and forth between the two as sparks continue to fly.

Leo's fingertip makes contact with the melon, and-


Y/n nails the turtle right in the snout.

"Eurgh! N/n!" He whines and the human huffs.

"I said no." The girl frowns. "The only thing you'd accomplish is dislocate your jaw, knowing you." She rounds the counter and swiftly swipes the melon up.
Leo gives her a pout with an attempt of puppy eyes. N/n's expression hardens. "No." She says more firmly, walking over to the fridge.
She opens the door with a sigh and tosses the melon inside, turning to glare at Leo once more.
The slider crosses his arms as his pout returns.

"Psh, party pooper." He grumbles.
Y/n sighs again. "Well excuse me for looking out for you and stopping you from doing something utterly stupid. I am the worst friend ever, truly." She's walking back towards him as she mocks.
Once in front of Leo, she places a hand on one of his folded arms.
He slightly stiffens under her soft touch.

Looking up Leo is met with a gentle expression.
The human isn't smiling but she isn't frowning either, it's like... An inbetween? As if she's conflicted.
The male huffs in defeat.

"Fine," Leo rolls his eyes. "I won't do anything stupid, I promise." He frees one of his hands to put over the girl's and that draws a smile out of her.
"Lee.." She starts, smile widening.
Hold on a minute... Why does she suddenly look so smug?

"Every one of us in this room know that you are incapable of keeping a promise like that." Y/n covers her mouth with her free hand to giggle into it jokingly.
When Leo's eyeridges draw together in a displeased frown she has to fight the snort building up.
"Oye..." The turtle narrows his eyes but his hand over hers doesn't move an inch.
N/n shrugs noncholantly. "'Tis the truth, Lee."

He knows she's mocking him but somehow it doesn't bother him as much.
Maybe it's because he knows it's a joke, that she doesn't mean it or perhaps because he knows he could prove her wrong.... If he tried a little.
Definitely not because of her soft, warm hand nestled in his. Nope.
And his quickly beating heart?
He's still looking for something to blame it on...

In the end he just averts his eyes with a pout.

How mature of you, Leo!

Y/n giggles again.

The soft-ish moment however, is broken short when the four of them hear something shatter from somewhere outside of the kitchen, followed by a heavy thud.

"I'm not the only one who heard that, right?" Mikey points to himself and exchanges glances with each of the rest.
Donnie, seeming somewhat more awake than before, pushes himself off the counter. "No..." He slowly and quietly snatches his tech bo from his shell.
N/n and Leo follow suit as the orange and purple brothers move to go investigate.

Raph is already in the livingroom when they arrive.


The red adorned leader can barely get a word out before his brothers and friend freeze up.

A golden portal- Much like the ones Leo makes is just floating mid-air and below it lay two figures- One much bigger than the other.
A human boy and a rather buff, mutant turtle.

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